Page 52 of Britain

She moans softly as I rub her pussy through her panties. I can feel the heat radiating from her, and I want nothing more than to pull over so I could fuck her in the back seat. Slowly I increase the pressure on her clit. I don’t say anything, I just listen to her moans.

Up ahead is the entrance to the long driveway that leads to Heathens. “You better come before we get there, or I’ll make you sit there while the valets watch.” That does the trick, because she moans, grinding her pussy into my hand.

By the time we pull up to the valet, Britain has stopped coming. I quickly climb out and come around to help her. With my bag in hand, I lead her inside. I smile when I see Vivi is manning the desk again.

“Hey, Vivi. You remember my sub, Britain.” My arm is wrapped around Britain’s waist. My girl’s got her head down—such a beautiful submissive.

“Ohhh…of course I do. She’s lovely. Shall I send one of our subs to prepare her for you, Silas?”

“Yes, please.” I lean into Britain, whispering in her ear. “Like last time, you’ll go with the sub and she’ll help you get ready. I’ll wait for you right outside the doors.” Her hand flies to her throat. I know what she’s thinking. I took the training collar I got her. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t have my collar, Sir. I’m sorry,” she says softly.

“Don’t worry about it, just go with.” I look at the blonde who steps out from the door.

“This is Josie,” Vivi pipes in from behind the desk. “She’s mine.” That’s when I see the blonde staring at Vivi in all of her Domme glory with stars in her eyes. Vivi holds her hand out to Josie, who takes it immediately. “Pet, please take Master Silas’s beautiful sub and help her prepare. Then you may bring her to the dungeon. When you complete this task, come to me, and I’ll let you taste me.”

Josie actually curtsies. “Yes, Mistress.” She holds her hand out to Britain.

Britain looks up at me for direction. “Go with her, baby. I’ll meet you right outside the doors in the main room just like last time.” I kiss her lips softly, and then watch her walk away and disappear through the door.

“She’s lovely,” Vivi purrs from her perch behind the counter.

“Thanks Vi, have a good one.” I head toward the locker room. I set my bag on the plush bench in front of the row of lockers. I strip out of my shirt, stick a couple of condoms in my pocket for easy access, and grab the new collar.

Stepping into the dimly lit main room, it takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust. It’s busy tonight, and there are people everywhere. I don’t focus on them, though—my focus is on the door while I wait for Britain.

When the door finally swings open and she steps through, she’s in the skimpiest bikini I’ve ever seen. Britain moves toward me, and I take her hand as soon as she reaches my side. “You look so beautiful. Did you buy that for me?”

“Yes, Sir, I did.”

I lead her to a little chaise lounge. “Present yourself to me,” I tell her as I sit on the end. With practiced ease, she gets down on her knees with her head down and her hands resting on her thighs. I lean toward her so she can hear me over the music playing in the background. “That pleases me so much. You’re a vision.”

Even in the dim lighting of the club, I can see her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. I grab the collar and hold it down where she can see it. “I got this for you. It’s a little fancier than the collar you usually wear. May I put this on you?”

She nods. “Yes Sir, thank you. It’s beautiful.”

I open the clasp, lean forward, and put it around her neck. It falls right at the notch at the base of her throat. A knot forms in my chest as I stare at her with my collar around her neck. She deserves better than me, but I’m selfish and plan on keeping her until eventually I’ll have to let her go because she’ll want what I can’t give her.

Fuck me—I shake off those thoughts and get back into my Dom headspace. I help Britain stand up, and take my bag over to ask the bartender to put it on the shelf behind the bar. I wrap my arm around her waist as we begin walking through the club. We stop to watch a male sub getting the crop by his Dom.

Next to me Britain does a full-body shudder as she watches the scene unfold. I lean down and whisper in her ear. “Your backside would look fucking gorgeous with some red stripes across it.”

“I think I might like that, Sir.” She doesn’t bother looking at me. Britain just keeps watch the scene in front of her.

Once the scene in front of us finishes, a sub comes out and cleans off the equipment. I spot Jeremiah and his sub walking toward us. Rebekah is nude, but walks like she’s covered in the finest clothes.

They stop in front of us. He and I share the familiar bro hug, or whatever you want to call the half handshake/hug, back slap. “What’s up, Jeremiah? You remember Britain, don’t you?”

My brother from another mother nods. “Of course I do. Hello, beautiful.”

I lean into her and whisper in her ear, “You can call him Sir.”

She nods, and then looks at Jeremiah, giving him a shy smile. “Hello, Sir.” I hug her into my side.

“We’re going to go set up, but we’ll see you around?”

“Yeah, we’re going to watch you guys, and then do a little scene ourselves.” Jer gives me a chin lift before leading Rebekah to the St. Andrew’s Cross. She gets down in the slave pose with her arms locked behind her back. We watch Jeremiah get everything ready, while the Dungeon Monitor makes sure that everyone is giving them a wide berth.