Page 49 of Britain

He kisses the side of my neck. “You ready to eat?”

“Yep.” We grab our bags and head to the lobby. We’re going to grab some breakfast on the way out of the city.

We pull into Silas’s parking garage three hours later. He carries our bags up to his place and I follow him inside. I yawn widely and Silas smiles at me. “Take a nap.” He wraps his arms around me. “I didn’t let you sleep much last night. I’ve got emails to check, and then I’ll lie down with you.”

I head up to his room, walk over to his bed, and collapse onto it. In seconds, I feel my eyes get heavy and I let them shut.

I’m not sure how much time has passed, but when my eyes open, I find that I’m in Silas’s bed alone. I reach out to touch his side, and it’s still warm. I climb out of bed and first stop in the bathroom, and after washing my hands I head downstairs.

“Silas?” I call out but don’t find him, but I find a slip of paper on the counter.


You were sleeping so hard I didn’t want to wake you. I ran to the store to pick up something for dinner. Hopefully I’ll be back before you wake up and this note will be in the garbage. If not, just relax and I’ll be home soon.


I smile as I set the note back down on the counter. It makes me feel all warm inside that he said “home” like I live here too, and I realize it’s too soon and I’m still working through stuff, but I really like the idea of making a home with him.

In the kitchen I grab a bottle of water and then carry it into the living room where I turn on the TV and curl up in the corner while I wait for my man to get back. Fifteen minutes later, the door opens and Silas comes walking in carrying a couple of plastic grocery bags. I get up and follow him into the kitchen. “What do you have in there?”

“I thought I’d grill us a couple of burgers. Does that sound okay?”

I wrap my arms around his waist. “That sounds great. What can I do to help?”

“How about you just sit here and keep me company.” He lifts me, placing me on the counter. Before he can step away, I wrap my legs around his hips, pulling him to me. Silas’s blue eyes darken as he grabs me by my thighs, pulling me against his hard dick. With a quickness, his lips are on mine.

He grips my hair by the base of my skull. The bite of pain makes my core clench, and a moan slips past my lips into his mouth. Silas rocks against me, and it makes me ache. I spear his hair with my fingers as he deepens the kiss. I swear I’ve had sex one time, and now I want him, again and again.

Silas is the first to break the kiss, and he rests his forehead against mine. He closes his eyes and then opens them to look at me. “You are hell on my restraint. I’m trying to give you at least a day or two to recover from last night before we do it again. If you want to try some other stuff tonight, we can do that.”

“What kind of stuff?” I feel my cheeks heat up and avert my eyes from his. My pulse begins to race as he places lips behind my ear.

“I want to tie you to my bed.” He kisses me softly. “I want to blindfold you, and then…” Silas nips at my earlobe, making me shiver. “And then I’m going to lick your pussy until I let you come. How does that sound?”

I realize that I’m panting. He bites softly at my neck before chuckling and backing away. Of course I watch as he adjusts himself because his erection looks painful. If I close my eyes, I can still feel him inside of me.

Silas grips my chin. “Baby, stop thinking whatever you are, because you’re seriously making it hard for me not to grab you, throw you over my shoulder, and take you upstairs where I’d fuck you into next week.”

I suck in a breath as he chuckles, like an asshole. Silas kisses my nose and then walks over to the bags and starts pulling the groceries out.

While he preps our food, I watch him from my perch on the counter while drinking my bottle of water. “What do you think about Heather and Marcus being together?” I’ve been avoiding asking him because Marcus is my brother and I don’t want things to be awkward. I bite on my thumbnail as I watch him chop onions.

Silas puts the knife down and moves toward me until he’s standing right in front of me. He grips my chin, softly, but firmly. “No guy is ever going to be good enough for my baby sister, but she seems happy, which makes me happy.”

“I’ve never seen him like this. Even when he had girls he dated for a while, he wasn’t like he is with her.”

He leans in close, until his lips are almost touching mine. “And that’s all I can ask for, but if he breaks her heart, I’ll break his face.” Silas kisses me and then goes back to the cutting board.

I throw back my head and laugh hysterically. When I look at Silas, I see he’s smiling while looking down at the food. “I don’t mean to laugh, but you’re so funny.”

Silas gives me a look that makes my stomach quiver in the best freaking way. “Hey, I could totally kick his ass.” He flexes his muscles and kisses each one.

I love this side of him. “If you say so.”


In the locker room at the shop, I slip off my coveralls and throw them in the laundry bag. I slip my feet into a pair of beat-up old Nikes. I squat down, gathering up my stuff. It’s been a long day and I just want to go back to Silas’s to soak in his huge tub.