Page 28 of Britain

Martin, one of the OG Doms here, stands up from behind the desk. We do the typical half back slap, half hug. “Martin, you’re looking well. How are you?”

“Doing well, Silas. Are you here alone tonight?” The door opens and Britain walks out, heading right toward me. “I can see you aren’t. Have a good evening.” We’re both silent as we head out into the quiet night. If you saw this place, you’d have no idea what goes on inside.

The valet pulls up with my SUV, and I help Britain inside. On the way home, I choose to let her digest what she’s seen, but I’m able to relax when I reach out to grab her hand and she curls her fingers around mine.

We climb out when I shut the Porsche off. In the elevator, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and her arms wind around my waist. That’s how we walk into my place. “Are you hungry?” I ask with my lips against her forehead.

Her stomach growls loudly, and she doubles over laughing.

“Alrighty then, I’ll take that as you are very hungry. Why don’t you go change into your comfy clothes while I heat up the oven and make us a frozen pizza?”

Britain pushes up on her tiptoes and kisses my lips. She’s getting more and more comfortable touching me. I watch her as she walks up the stairs before she disappears from sight. After I toe off my shoes, I head into the kitchen and preheat the oven. I grab a beer, twisting off the cap and letting the cool liquid run down my throat.

I feel twitchy, and I know it’s because I didn’t scene tonight, and it’s been a while since I’ve had sex. Hopefully the beer will dull it a little. Drinking the last of my beer down, I toss the empty bottle into the garbage when Britain comes walking toward me. Does she realize she’s wearing the outfit she had on the day we first saw each other?

I still consider myself very lucky that she even talks to me after how I behaved that day. Not one of my prouder moments. I’d honestly never had anyone affect me the way she did, and it’s no excuse, but she threw me off my game.

Her face is freshly washed, and her hair is tied up in a knot on top of her head. She hops up on the counter as the oven beeps, signaling that it’s warmed up. I throw the pizza in the oven and when I shut the door, I move to stand right in front of Britain. Grabbing her by her knees, I spread her legs apart and settle between them.

I cage her in with hands by both hips. “I haven’t asked you about the club. I wanted to give you the opportunity to process things. What did you think? Do you have questions?”

“I’m intrigued, and I admit I got a little turned on watching the last scene while kneeling at your feet.” I brush a loose strand of hair back from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “I loved watching the Doms taking care of their subs after they finished.”

“That’s what it’s all about, baby. Submitting to someone is giving up control in some way—yet wielding all of the power with their safe word.”

She grabs onto my shoulders. “I’d like to try…submitting to you, but I’m nervous and scared that if I can’t, you’ll end this.” Britain looks up at me, uncertainty written all over her face.

I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. “I understand completely, but I’m so happy you’re willing to try,” I whisper into her neck. “For now we’ll train you here, and when I think you’re ready, we’ll go to the club.”

“I don’t want to disappoint you. There are things that I need to tell you…things that may change the way you look at me.” Her lower lip trembles.

I cup her face, stroking the soft skin of her lower lip. “How about this—stay with me next week.” She goes to open her mouth, but I put my finger over her lips. “I know you help with your nieces, and you have your job at the shop. I just mean you’d stay with me at night. That way I have access to you to train.” I tip her face up to look me in the eye. “Are you ready for this?”

“Yes.” I lean in and kiss her lips, slowly, savoring every second, but the timer goes off. I cut up the pizza and we curl up on the sofa to eat.

Once we finish, we clean up before heading up to get ready for bed. While she brushes her teeth, I change into pajama bottoms and a white sleeveless t-shirt. Normally I sleep naked, but I don’t want to scare her. She comes out, and my eyes immediately go to her breasts because it’s very obvious she’s not wearing a bra.

I brush my teeth and when I come back out, Britain’s standing next to my bed looking unsure. I walk up next to her and wrap my arm around her waist. “We’re just sleeping. No funny business, I promise.”

I lead her to her side and pull the blankets back. She climbs in and I follow her down, climbing over her to get to my side. This is the first time I’ve willingly had a woman sleep in my bed. I get settled on my back and pull her into my arms. She rests on her stomach with her arm draped across me and tangles her legs with mine. I play with the ends of her hair as I feel her fall asleep, and only then do I let myself drift off.


I’m not sure what causes me to wake up, but when I roll over I find Britain’s side of the bed empty. I sit up and realize the comforter is missing. I look downstairs, and don’t find her there. I do find her curled up on the love seat out on my patio. “Hey, are you okay?” I pluck her up and set her in my lap.

“Yeah, I just had a bad dream, and I couldn’t fall back asleep.” She presses her forehead into my neck. “I know it’s late, but can I tell you now? I don’t want to wait.”

I hug her tightly. “Of course. Here, let’s get comfy.” I stand her up and take the comforter from her. I sit in the corner with one leg stretched out. She settles back on me and I wrap the blanket around her. Once she’s settled, she starts talking.

“When I was a little girl, my mom used to dress me up in frilly little dresses all of the time, and always had my hair done. I used to preen and pose when people would compliment my mom and me on how beautiful we were, and how I looked just like her. She used to take me to nice hotels during the day when my dad was at work. She’d introduce me to random men, and they’d buy me ice cream, snacks, and toys. It would keep me busy when they’d disappear into the other room.” She shakes her head.

“When I was six, my mom took me again to a nice hotel. The man looked a lot older than my mom. He asked her to go get ice and while she was gone, he sat next to me on the couch. I remember feeling really scared all of a sudden. He didn’t say anything, but grabbed my hand.” I can feel it as she begins to tremble. “He placed my hand on him, and I remember it getting hard very fast, but at the time I didn’t know what that meant.”

I’m having a hard time staying completely still while she continues to tell me her story. “He took his other hand, and put it on my thigh. I remember his hand felt very scratchy as it slowly moved up my leg. I was frozen in place, and he was so focused on me that he didn’t notice my mom come back in.” She shakes her head. “There was so much blood. She’d hit him with a lamp, and then they started to fight.

“Someone complained to the front desk and the police were called. My mom told them what he did to me. He told them that he had paid my mother for sex. They arrested them both, and luckily my dad made me memorize his number so they called him and he came to get me.”

She takes a deep breath. “I remember seeing my dad in the hall when he got there, and watching the way his face changed when they told him what happened. He looked devastated, but then he went after my mom, and the cops had to hold him back. When he came to me, he picked me up and held me so tight.”