Page 33 of Unexpected Love

“Just yourself.” We hang up a moment later. I grab my water bottle and start making my way toward my car.

Once I get home, I shower then throw on some basketball shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. In the living room, I lie down on the couch to take a quick nap. It was a long but phenomenal weekend.


I step inside my childhood home and hear screaming coming from the back. Moving through the house, I see everyone is outside, and I step out of the back door. Parker has Natalie on his back, and he’s chasing the boys.

“Hey, guys.” Abby comes over with her cute belly, and a wave of sadness washes over me. I try to hide it, but she doesn’t miss it. She places a hand on her stomach, and tears run down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Joe.” She wraps her arms around my middle. “The kids and I can go.”

I know a lot of this is hormones. “No, I don’t want you to go. It’s just a shit thing that happened. I’m so happy for you and for Ben. No one deserves this more than you. I’ll have another little niece to spoil.”

She smiles up at me. “I love you, baby brother.”

“I love you, big sister.” Abby disappears inside the house. I spot my mom and dad giving me the same look. “I’m fine.” Walking up to them, I wrap my arm around my mom’s shoulders. “Abby’s just hormonal, and getting upset isn’t going to change anything. It’s also not going to stop me from being happy for her or for Vi. Life goes on.” I take a deep breath and hope they believe this nonchalant attitude.

Little arms wrap around my leg, and I pick up my nephew Dalton. “Unka Joe pway wiff me.”

He’s the perfect distraction. I throw him over my shoulder and carry him down the steps and toward my brother, who is chasing Natalie with Rion in his arms. “Should we get Uncle Parker?”

“Yes!” We charge after them, and they all start running and screaming. Haddie comes running down the stairs and snags Rion from Parker, and we all start chasing each other. My nephews and niece’s laughter is music to my ears.

Abby calls for the kids so they can get washed up before dinner. She always handles all three of them with quick efficiency, with or without Ben’s help. Haddie follows behind them—no doubt to help with the crew.

Parker sets the table while I set up the high chair for Rion and strap Dalton’s booster seat to his chair. It’s loud, crazy, and chaotic, but my mom and dad don’t stop smiling. Natalie is snuggled up to her pawpaw, telling him some story, and he’s just eating it up. Mom doesn’t let Abby make the kids’ plates because she loves taking care of her grandbabies, and that’s what she does while we make up our plates. Abby used to fight her about it but finally gave up. My mom is like a mama Grizzly bear, especially with the little ones.

Conversation is next to impossible while we eat—the kids all vie for their grandparents’ attention while shoveling food into their sweet faces. Images assail me of a raven-haired, blue-eyed little girl sitting amongst her cousins, and my stomach turns.

I excuse myself, and in the bathroom I splash cold water on my face. I sit on the closed toilet and pull out my phone.

Joe: Hey you.

Chloe: Hi! How was dinner at your parents’ house?

Joe: I’m still here. Just hiding in the bathroom.

Chloe: Why? Are you okay?

Joe: Yes…No…My sister and her kids are here and I just thought about our baby and I…I don’t know I’m just all over the place. Sorry.

She doesn’t answer me right away, and I think maybe it was wrong to bring it up, but then my notifications go off.

Chloe: Don’t be sorry. If it helps, it does get easier. Violet called me earlier and I knew she was happy about her baby but scared to share that, but life goes on and I would never begrudge her for being happy.

It’s good to know that we’re on the same wavelength.

Joe: My sister cried earlier because she felt guilty too. I told my parents the same thing. My mom asked if it would be okay if she called you.

Chloe: Of course she can. That’s really sweet of her, I’ve always loved JoJo.

I smile because she’s using my mom’s nickname.

Joe: I guess I should head back out there. Can I call you when I get home?

Chloe: Yeah I’d like that.

Joe: Great, I’ll talk to you later.