Page 87 of Unbelievable You

He nodded. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

I snorted.

“Okay, bud.” I put my arm around him and led him back to the table where Mom was practically vibrating in her seat and Dad had a hand clamped on her shoulder to keep her from running over and hugging Hunter. I’d warned her about that.

“Hi, Hunter. Good to see you,” Torrin said, getting up and shaking Hunter’s hand. “Sorry. That was formal.”

“It’s okay,” she said, smiling.

She was so pretty I couldn’t even think. Her hair was twisted back, and her makeup was lovely, and it was obvious that she’d put effort into her look. More effort than she usually did, at least when I’d seen her.

“Stace, bring that lovely girl over here so I can meet her,” Mom said, finally losing her patience.

I gave Hunter a look and nodded at her to try and give her courage.

Hunter approached the table and Mom popped to her feet.

“Mrs. Thomas, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for inviting me.” Of course, Hunter had perfect manners.

Mom beamed. “Oh please, you can call me Maggie. Aren’t you pretty as a picture. Can I give you a hug?” I’d told her not to offer the hug at all, but old habits died hard. My mom was a hugger.

“Oh, sure,” Hunter said, and let my mom hug her. She didn’t flinch back or freak out, so that was something.

My dad shook her hand as well and then it was time for us all to sit down.

“Mom, can we go play games?” Eli asked, his eyes bright. He had a drawing for Hunter, but I knew he was going to be shy about giving it to her.

“Please, Mom,” Carson begged, clasping his hands together and pouting.

“Yes, you can go play games until the food gets here.” She gave them money and they ran off.

I sat down with Hunter on the outside and Tor on my right.

Mom and Dad were on the other side with Eli and Carson’s empty chairs beside them.

“So, Hunter, Stace has told us so much about you, I feel as if we’ve already met,” Mom said.

“I’ve heard wonderful things about you as well,” Hunter said. Her spine was straight as an arrow and she had her hands folded in her lap. She was so tense that I couldn’t help but reach under the table and put my hand on her leg, squeezing lightly.

Telling her to calm down. That she was safe here. Safe with me. Safe with my family. No one was going to be rude or awful to her. No one was going to treat her the way her parents treated her.

“You’re so sweet. And I’m loving your hairstyle. Stace showed me your social media and it’s so impressive. I got exhausted just seeing all the things you’re doing.”

“Oh. Thank you. I like to stay busy,” she said, and I stroked her leg again while I watched her relax by millimeters.

She really was stressed about this but she’d come anyway.

This woman. I would do anything for her. Anything.

Hunter made small talk and I tried to keep things moving and smooth over any rough edges. Tor helped, talking about how much he loved Hunter’s yoga classes and Mom started peppering her with questions about fitness and if she should be doing yoga.

“You’re more than welcome in any of my classes. I have students of all ages. One of my favorites is this woman who’s in her seventies and she’s more flexible than I am,” Hunter said with a laugh. Her shoulders had been nearly up by her ears when she sat down and now they were much lower. She’d smiled and laughed, and I didn’t think it was my imagination that she was having a good time.

Food arrived as Eli and Carson rejoined the table with their prize tickets.

“I think we should have a toast,” Dad said, raising his plastic soda cup. Everyone hurried to do the same. “To Eli, for winning the student of the month award in his classroom. We’re all very proud of you, Eli. To Eli!”

“To Eli!” we all cheered, even Hunter. Then came tapping our glasses together and trying not to spill. Carson held his cup in both hands and only dripped a little bit.