Page 81 of Unbelievable You

Stace grabbed my finger and kissed it. “I’d model for you. Even if you were bad at painting, but I know you’re not. I’ve seen your work.”

I laughed. “You’ve been stalking me online, haven’t you?”

She held her finger and thumb about an inch apart. “Little bit.”

Grabbing another strawberry, I shoved it in her mouth. “If you request my personal account I’ll let you follow me. That’s where I post all the good stuff.”

“Where the hell is my phone?” she said, starting to get up.

“No, don’t go anywhere,” I said, practically throwing myself on top of her.

“Okay,” she said, pulling me down for a kiss.

She tasted like strawberry sweetness and I wanted her again.

“Remember that thing I said about you sitting on my face?” I asked, as she licked at some caramel on my chin.

“Mmm, yes I do.”

I stroked my hand through her hair and pulled her head back.

“How about now?”



The next thing I knew, Stace was carrying me back to the bed and throwing me on it.

I could get used to this.

Eventually we were too tired to have any more sex so we pushed each other into the shower and got clean before toweling each other off. Stace never asked if she could stay over and I never offered. I just found an extra toothbrush and handed it to her, along with a baggy T-shirt and a pair of drawstring shorts.

We made up the bed again and collapsed together. She pulled me until I was laying half on top of her. I slung my leg over both of hers and sighed.

“Goodnight, princess,” she said, kissing my head, fingers playing with my still-damp hair.

“Goodnight, Stace,” I said through a yawn.

Sunlight spilled in between the curtains and I was pressed against a warm body. I was in bed with someone else.

For half a second I panicked, and then the night came back to me.

Me. Stace. Sex. Lots of sex. Falling into my bed together.

“Good morning baby,” Stace said, her voice rusty from sleep.

“Good morning,” I said, looking up to find her gazing down at me. Her hair was all over the place and I bet mine was, too. My eyes were definitely puffy since I hadn’t done my skincare routine. I’d been too exhausted last night.

“I was right,” she said, moving some hair out of my face.

“Right about what?”

“How stunning you’d look in the morning. Unfair. Completely unfair.”

“Stop it,” I said, trying not to smile.

“Never,” she said, kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug. “Ugh, I don’t want to get up.”