Page 60 of Fighting for Tawny

To her credit, Terrin remained calm. “We saw them change overnight. So, how is it being done?”

Finnigan thought it best to keep the balloon he’d found a secret. “We’re not sure yet. I’ll get that information as soon as Dee and Barbie share it to the FBI.”

They made a show of searching the bunkhouse. Before they left, Terrin put the clothes in the dryer. “What do we do now?”

“We say they’re gone. You, Yolanda, and Tawny will be moving into Bunkhouse B. Even though there’s room for all six of you now in Bunkhouse A, it’s too risky for them. They want you isolated into a small group.”


“Follow my lead.”

Finnigan and Terrin burst into the bunkhouse. “Dee and Barbie are gone,” he declared grimly. “Shit! I can’t believe this happened on my watch!”

Everyone chattered with surprise and shock, but one voice rose above the others.

“We’re screwed!” Susan shouted. “We’re going back to prison! Fuck them! How could they do this to us? Just when we were starting to earn some respect!”

Some of the others cried their agreement.

“Don’t panic,” Finnigan advised. “Let me think.”

“Everyone, stop.” Tawny’s strong voice rang out. Silence fell as she commanded their attention. “I don’t think Dee and Barbie left of their own accord. You saw how strangely they’d been acting lately. Something was up with them. What if they were taken?”

The women exchanged startled glances.

“You mean abducted?” Debbie asked.

“Yeah.” Tawny stared at Finnigan. “Did you leave your post last night?”

He faked a sheepish expression. “Uh…well, yeah. I, um, took a nap in my car.”

Angry murmurs rose among them.

He held up his hands to placate them. “Stupid. Yeah, I know.”

Tawny addressed Terrin. “Did you notice if anything personal was missing?”

She tilted her head as she considered the question. “No. Their extra stuff was still there, and their beds had been slept in.”

“That settles it,” Tawny declared in a definitive tone. “Somebody kidnapped them.”

Common fear swept through them. Debbie and Susan paced back and forth. Ronette gripped Terrin’s hand.

“T, tell us what to do.” Yolanda’s acknowledgment of Tawny’s leadership attracted their attention.

“Whatever this is, it’s going to happen again. But now we’ll be prepared. Debbie and Susan are staying in Bunkhouse A from now on. After the weekend, you, Terrin, and I will move into Bunkhouse B. We’re the strongest and can take care of ourselves. Next, we’re not contacting Captain Finnigan about this.” She addressed Finnigan. “Agreed?”

“Yeah. It’s best to keep the element of surprise on our side.”

“You need to leave Monday morning before Whitcomb, Macintosh, and Captain Finnigan arrive,” Tawny advised. “They’ll be thrown off guard when they discover two of us are missing. They’ll try to get answers, but there won’t be any. We’ll watch Whitcomb and Macintosh carefully, too, because who knows? They probably orchestrated this whole situation.”

“What do you want me and Susan to do on Monday?” Debbie asked.

“Say you’re scared, and Terrin, Yolanda, and I will take your place in Bunkhouse B.”

“I won’t be lying. I am scared.”

Tawny glanced at the group. They’d formed a half circle around her. “I know you’re scared. But remember, you’re Titans! And who were the Titans?”