Page 57 of Fighting for Tawny

Finnigan chuckled. “How do you want to do this?”

“How soon can we arrange an extraction?”

“It can be done before dawn. All you need to do is get them outside the bunkhouse. We’ll take it from there.”

“Their disappearance will throw a wrench into Whitcomb and Macintosh’s system.”

“Exactly. The two other women in Bunkhouse B, what are their names?”

“Susan and Debbie.”

“Right. Susan and Debbie need to be moved into your bunkhouse, and you, Yolanda, and Terrin will take their places. They’ll come for you, Tawny. Let them. We’ll be tracking you.”

Finnigan fumbled around in the dark for his cell phone. He called Jiena, and they discussed how and when they’d be ready to extract Dee and Barbie.

“In two hours, Red.” Finnigan rolled on top of her. “Plenty of time.”

She cupped his face. “I really love you, Finnigan.”

“Show me,” he murmured.

Tawny switched their positions and straddled him. She lifted his arms above his head and threaded her fingers through his as her tongue swept across his lips, and she nibbled them. She kissed him hard before her mouth began a slow, exciting tease down his body. When she took him fully into her mouth, Finnigan moaned with intense pleasure.

“Oh, God, Red! Just like that!”

She brought him to the brink, then sank onto his hard shaft. He gripped her hips, his fingers pressing into her soft flesh. Tawny leaned over, and he captured an erect nipple, grazing it with his teeth. Less than a minute later, Tawny’s body shuddered from her orgasm. The tightening of her muscles around him brought his own sweet release. She collapsed on top of him, panting.

Finnigan ran his hands through her messy mass of red hair and kissed her sweaty forehead. Holding her head in place, his mouth claimed hers in slow kisses that fueled their passion for the third time. Afterward, they lay with their limbs entwined as Finnigan shared the news from home.

Since Tawny had no idea what had happened to Mallory after Luca rescued her on her way to CIFW, he related the bizarre story of a modern-day Court of Ma’at that had targeted her as its next sacrifice. It ended underground in a cave in Tennessee where Mallory and Luca had shot and killed the cult’s leaders, Nehebkau and his aunt, Professor Patricia Samir. He concluded the tale saying, “Ali led Luca to Mallory, and now he’s a PI in her office.”

“Oh, my God. What a horrific thing happened to Mallory. We all hated Bentley, but to be savagely murdered like that… Well, it’s awful. I really don’t understand what Judge Cohen was thinking when he arraigned her, the D.A., on a weekend, especially with Cameron McAdams as her lawyer. That’s begging for trouble.”

“He’s in deep. And by the way, Wendy Corrigan isn’t Director Dickinson’s niece.”

“What the hell is going on there? Is she a plant from the DOJ?”

“We’re not sure. Cameron checked with his brother who’s still active with the DEA, and he said they weren’t involved in any ops on the West Coast.”

Finnigan then changed the subject. He told Tawny that Brielle’s baby was due soon, and Mallory was pregnant.

“That’s wonderful news. And what about Miguel?”

“Miguel’s lost, I think. He’s been running the LBPD practically single-handedly, with some help from Luca. Justice is rarely there, and Hutch has been helping Jiena with this case.” Finnigan paused. “Everyone is lost without you, Tawny. I don’t think they realized until you were gone that you’re the glue holding them together.”

She kissed him and sat up. “And I’m ready to kick ass and go home.”

Finnigan grinned. “That’s the woman I fell head over heels, crazy in love with.”

They found their clothing and dressed, and while they waited to hear from Jiena, they kissed, caressed, and whispered words of devotion and love.

Around two o’clock in the morning, Jiena texted Finnigan to let him know that she and Macklin were in position outside Bunkhouse B. He took Tawny’s hand. “We have the green light.”

She nodded. “Let’s do this.”

They peered outside the toolshed and made sure no one lurked in the area. Finnigan and Tawny crossed the distance between the toolshed and Bunkhouse B and eased open the door as quietly as possible. Dee and Barbie slept in the bunkbeds on the left side of the main room.

Tawny approached Barbie on the bottom bunk and gently shook her. “Barbie, wake up,” she whispered.