Later, Ma. Nico.
I sipped my martini and sent more texts, one to Mika, telling her Jamie and I were safely back in the city, and one to Teddy, informing him of my return, and I was ready when he was to begin to make plans.
Jamie returned shortly after I received Teddy’s response of, More soon, my dearest.
But instead of coming to me, he went to the window and looked out at the city.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
He turned to me, and every molecule in my body stopped moving when I saw the look on his face.
It appeared he was very much still on Arizona time and thus, not at all tired.
On no, he was not.
Not at all.
His gaze moved over me curled in my couch before it came back to my face.
“Everything’s perfect,” he said, his deep voice thick.
Through a mouth that was suddenly dry, I inquired, “Why are you all the way over there, darling?”
“Because Alyona hasn’t retired to her rooms yet.”
I pressed my lips together.
“And I’m struggling with the urge to ravish you on the couch, something that would not only be rude to Alyona, but the first time I sink into you is not going to be on your couch,” he concluded.
Oh my.
I swallowed, and my nipples tingled.
“Goodnight, Miss Nora and Mister Jamie,” Alyona, with excellent timing, called from the back hall.
“Goodnight,” I returned, my voice sounding choked.
“Are you hungry?” Jamie queried.
I was. The food on the plane wasn’t appealing, so I’d only eaten the roll and the salad.
“Peckish,” I answered.
“Can you wait?” he asked.
“Yes,” I whispered.
“Right then, sweetheart, I suggest you make your way to the bedroom, because if you don’t, in about three seconds, I’m going to carry you there.”
I needed no further coaxing.
I stood.
But I didn’t go to the bedroom.
I went to Jamie.
His eyes flared.