My eyes narrowed behind my shades. “What about Roland?”

“Why were you speaking to him before you boarded?”

“Because I was in a bad mood, considering I knew I’d be imminently dealing with you. So, after he texted me, I called him because he seemed like an excellent candidate to use to expend my bad mood.”

“I would normally not disagree,” Jamie noted.

“And why do you disagree now?”

“Because he called again only two hours later.”

I shrugged, picked up a rasher of bacon and said, “I essentially hung up on him after our brief chat.”

“Did he know you were about to board a yacht?”

I swallowed my bite of bacon and replied, “I did share that information.”

“Did he know I would be on said yacht?”

I turned fully to him. “Would you grace me with the knowledge of why you’re interrogating me about this?”

Even with his sunglasses, I could read his expression was dumbfounded.

His next word was dripping with it. “Why?”

“Yes, why?”

“The man has no reason to contact you, so he should not be contacting you.”

“I can’t argue that fact.”

“And yet, he’s contacting you.”


Jamie returned his attention to his breakfast, stating, “He needs to be informed in no uncertain terms that his communication is unwelcome, and it must cease immediately.” His chin tilted my way slightly, but I knew he was pinning me with his eyes through his shades when he finished, “And if it’s me who has to drive that point home, I’ll gladly accept that task.”

Visions of Jamie pressing Roland against a wall using a hand full of his shirt and tie, “driving that point home” assailed me, and I cared very little what it said about me, I found it titillating.

Even so, I said, “You need to stop worrying about Roland.”

His fork clattered on his plate, the sudden sound surprising me so much, I gave a slight jump as Jamie turned fully to me.

“Right, we’re here.”

Oh dear.

I wasn’t sure what “here” meant.

But I was sure I didn’t want to be there.

He carried on. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, and I’ll give you more time, but I do want to talk about it. However, for now I’ll just say, I can have you as I’ll allow myself to have you.”

As he’ll allow himself to have me?

What on earth did that mean?

“And in so doing, I have you,” Jamie continued. “You mean something to me. You’re mine. You’re a part of my life. You’re a member of my family. And I think you know I take care of those I love, Nora. That being the man I am, I cannot countenance this jackass annoying you or taking your time or infiltrating your life in any way that does not involve the children you share. Am I being clear?”