“Roland, get over it. You poured a cold bucket of water over that fire then kicked dirt on it to make certain it was snuffed out. It’s done. How you can know who you were to me, what you gave me, what we had together, what you destroyed, and think you still have some right to do harm to me, I will never understand. Stop hurting me. For the love of God, please. Let me be happy.”
“Nora, bellisima,” he said softly.
“Goodbye, Roland,” I said resolutely.
Then I hung up.
After that, I went to the bar cart and made myself a very stiff drink.
Heiress and I were on martini number two (well, Heiress wasn’t partaking, she was just keeping me company).
This one, like the first, I’d just waved the vermouth over it in an act of faith to the art of martini making. There was a silver toothpick shoved full of bleu-cheese-stuffed olives rolling around in it.
And this was as I was when the front door opened, then crashed shut.
I jumped.
Heiress leapt off the couch to investigate.
Jamie stalked in, murder in his eyes.
“Darling—” I didn’t really begin.
“First, are you okay?” he demanded.
“You know?”
Of course he knew. It was a stupid question. It was written all over his face.
It could be any culprit, Arnold, Charlene, but I was betting Alyona.
“Arnold told me,” Jamie bit out.
I was wrong.
“The question is, why didn’t you?” he asked.
“I was waiting until you got home.”
“You were…? Nora—” He cut himself off, looked away, tore his hand through his hair, then leaned toward me and bellowed, “Have you lost your mind? You were attacked!”
“You say it like it is, Mister Jamie,” Alyona encouraged from where she now stood in the doorway that led to the dining room, her arms crossed on her chest, her glare settled on me.
Jamie glanced at her then scowled at me.
“I don’t need to be attacked by you too,” I snapped at Jamie. Then looked to Alyona. “Either of you.”
Alyona stuck her nose up in the air.
“I’m not attacking you.” Jamie brought my attention back to him. “I’m pissed as fuck, and not all of it is at you. Though, Nora, my beloved, part of it is at you. I can’t believe you fucking waited until I got home.”
“I’m also calling the police,” Jamie continued. “Which is a useless endeavor at the moment, since the motherfucker has had hours to get away.”