“It’s the bed he’s making, Jamie,” Ned replied, reaching for his water. “He may learn he can’t act like a petulant child until the day he dies. He might not. Obviously, my family knew his family. His mother spoiled him.” Ned took a sip and put the water back before he shrugged. “He’s always been a brat. Eleanor bemoaned Nora’s choice before their marriage, and after. And Eleanor was very rarely wrong.”
“And Nora is learning that the hard way, which is not something I can allow to go on, I just have no fucking clue at the moment what to do about it.”
“You’ll think of something,” Ned assured.
Jamie blew out a frustrated breath.
“I hate I had to share all of this,” Ned said.
“I’m sorry you hate it, but I’m glad you shared,” Jamie replied.
Ned inclined his head.
“Now, since our conversation hasn’t been comfortable, we might as well get it all out of the way with me telling you not only Nora, but Mika, know about Marlo.”
Ned’s lips thinned.
“And I can assume you understand, if those two know, then Chloe isn’t going to be far behind,” Jamie finished.
“Blake and Alex don’t know,” Ned said.
“I’m aware.” He watched his friend closely. “Is there a reason why?”
“They’ve had to compete with my work, and me fighting with their mother, for my attention all their lives, and they lost. Those things aren’t in the way anymore. But not much time has passed since I removed them. I don’t want them to think they suddenly have another obstacle to my love.”
“It doesn’t work that way, Ned,” Jamie said quietly.
Ned shook his head. “Blake is blossoming. Alex is happy and getting married very soon. It isn’t the time.”
“And Marlo feels about this…?”
Ned looked away.
“Do you care about her?” Jamie asked.
“She’s an extraordinary woman,” Ned said to the napkin in his lap he was adjusting.
“You’ve waited longer to find someone to share your life with than I have, Ned, but take my advice. Don’t fuck this up. The girls will understand, and perhaps it might be rocky with Blake at the start, but she’ll come around.”
Ned finally looked at him. “I just need more time.”
“Don’t take too much,” Jamie cautioned.
Ned held his gaze a beat before he nodded.
And their lunch was served.
That evening, when he arrived home, Alyona opened the door for him, and he smiled at her.
“Hello, Mister Jamie,” she greeted.
“Alyona. Good day?”
She nodded. “Miss Nora is in the study.”
“Thanks, darlin’.”