Page 125 of Embracing the Change




That Friday, Jamie negotiated walking through the busy lunchtime tables to where he saw Ned seated, his menu set aside, a bottle of San Pelligrino already on the table.

Ned got up when he saw Jamie, and their greetings included handshakes and claps on the arm.

They took their seats, putting their napkins on their laps, with Ned starting it.

“I was pleased when your assistant asked mine for this lunch.”

“It’s been a while,” Jamie agreed.

Ned’s eyes warmed. “Congratulations on JT.”

Jamie smiled at him.

“And on Nora,” Ned continued.

Jamie smiled again.

The warmth faded from Ned’s eyes.

“So it fucks with me that I have to share all I have to share with you,” he concluded.

Jamie’s smile died.

This lunch was about them being friends, and extended family, and not seeing each other for a while.

It was also for Jamie to broach the difficult subject of asking after Ned’s love life, which would also hold a warning, because Nora knew, and Chloe would find out, and Jamie had learned that when Chloe, or Nora, set their sights on something, things could get dicey.

Before he could ask, the waiter was there.

“Drink, sir?”

“The sparkling water is fine,” Jamie replied.

The waiter poured the water. Jamie quickly picked up his menu to make his decision, they both shared their preferences, and the waiter took off.

Jamie didn’t fuck around. “What news do you have to share?”

“Were you aware that Paloma was feeding Roland information about your relationship with Nora?”


This was about that.

Jamie took a sip of his water, put it down, sat back, and replied, “Yes.”

“Were you equally aware she was doing this to have her path cleared to make a play for you?”

Jamie went still.

Ned read his response and nodded. “She was. And just in case you doubt my sources, this comes from Blake. She hears things through some female grapevine we’re not privy to, and she says the person who told her knows she’s close with you, so she told her so Blake would warn you.”

“How could she ever imagine…?” Jamie trailed off and shook his head. “Paloma knows I detest her.”