I stared at the beautiful round coffee table situated between the sofa and two armchairs across from me.

“Nora?” Jamie called.

“You wish to move in?” I asked.

“Temporarily, until we both move to the brownstone. Is it too soon for you?”

I couldn’t begin to describe how not soon enough it was.

“No, it is not.”

“Sweetheart,” he murmured warmly.

“Please instruct Monica to see to transferring anything you need. And in the meantime, Alyona and I will tackle the Everest of finding space for your things in my closet.”

He was chuckling through his, “I’ll amend my request to Monica.”

“I’ve had an idea about the brownstone,” I announced.

“Of course you have,” he said with continued humor.

“I’d like to ask Dru to share the task of redecoration with me so we can retain some of her mother’s stamp on the home you all shared in ways that are meaningful for you both, but only Dru can share with me. This would also serve the purpose of Dru feeling she had a part in putting her stamp on the place, so it’ll aways feel like her home.”

The silence coming over the line was so complete, I wondered if a black hole had taken over the satellite we were bouncing off of.

Thus, it was my turn to call, “Jamie?”

His voice was hoarse in a way that hurt to hear, even if it was still lovely, when he said, “You don’t need to do that, baby.”

“You’re very wrong about that, darling,” I replied.

“I don’t want, and I’ll be clear, Lindy wouldn’t want to be a shadow over our lives together.”

“I think we can both agree that Rosalind was never a shadow, Jamie,” I assured. “I not only cannot erase your history to make you all mine, I wouldn’t want to. You are what your history made you, and that, I’m proud to claim as all mine.”

“Fuck, I love you,” he grunted.

“And I love you. Now, would you like to talk to Dru, or would you like me to?”

“I think that should come from me.”

“All right, darling,” I murmured. “Now, is that all? I don’t wish to let you go, but I have a busy day. First, as you know, the call with the kids. Then, as you also know, Mika is coming over for a late lunch. And news to you, after that, the G-Force will be descending.”

“The G-Force?”

“Yes. Remember, I told you about them on the boat?”

“I remember, but I thought I was dealing with Paloma.”

Oh, my Jamie.

He had so much to learn.

“You don’t decline an offer from the G-Force to get involved, my dearest. Good God. That would be akin to learning you’re to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor, and saying, ‘Yeah, thanks, but I’m good.’”

I heard his laughter, which, after our emotionally charged discussion, soothed me, and then he said, “Keep me informed of their schemes so I can be sure they don’t negate mine.”

Curiosity piqued. “What are yours?”