“Excellent.” The waiter took our menus and slipped away.

And it was. Jamie was very good at ordering.

I took a sip of my drink and put it back to the table, saying, “I think I should deal with Roland.”

“As you wish, so do it,” Jamie returned.

I felt my eyes narrow. “Again, he is not so important that he requires priority placement on my to-do list.”

As I said this, Jamie watched me over the rim of his glass while he took a sip.

It was inordinately sexy.

He returned the drink to the table and leaned toward me. “You have, my beautiful Nora, become quite well acquainted with my cock these last two days.”

I had.

That first night. The next morning. The shower. After the shower. That morning. Before we came out tonight.

I was very correct about his virility, thankfully.

And one could say, he was quite enamored with the blouse I was wearing that night, and it was unlikely I’d ever forget the charming way he shared that with me.

Further, it was clear Jamie felt like making up for lost time, just as I was making it clear I had no issue with that.

Even with all of this, I glared at him.

He sat back. “So, being a man, and knowing how men think, you need to trust me on this and not let it play out any longer. He knew you were on a cruise…with me. So he left you alone. We’re out tonight. People we both know are here. And people talk. He’ll learn you’re back, and he won’t delay in pressing his suit. So you can’t delay in telling him to go fuck himself.”

“I don’t think he’s the problem you think he is,” I remarked.

He raised his brows. “Do I have to talk about my cock again?”

I couldn’t help it, I chuckled.

Then I said, “No.”

“Thus, we’re agreed.”


I huffed out a peeved breath. “Fine.”

Jamie smiled, again reached for his drink and took a sip.

And I watched the alpha lion in this particular jungle lazily and indifferently enjoying his rule of his domain.

Never in my life would I begin to comprehend just how magnificent a happily ever after could be.

But I was beside myself to find I was in the midst of learning just that.

That night, in bed, in the dark, after making love, I lay with my head on Jamie’s shoulder, smoothing my palm through his rough chest hair.

“I like JT better,” Jamie said apropos of nothing.

I tipped my head back to look at his shadowed face. “Pardon?”

I watched his chin dip down. “Chloe calls him Jimmy. I like JT better.”