At Chloe’s declaration she intended to continue meddling, Judge cast a beleaguered glance at the ceiling.

Nora, however, swept a hand to indicate the floor at her feet. “I’ve made this sacrifice several times, braving the wilds of Arizona for this family. So that’s no excuse not to involve me. I’m uncertain I can handle Texas, because of a certain someone who lives there. But I’ll do my best.”

“Then you’re in,” Chloe decreed. “Now, are those cargo pants Veronica Beard?”

“Yes,” Nora answered.

“This season?”


“Can you get me a postpartum pair?”

“I’ll get my phone and do that now, darling,” Nora vowed, then she was off to find her phone.

“Judge,” Jamie called.

Both his son and his son’s wife looked at him.

“Once things settle, I’ll be looking into buying a property here,” Jamie told him.

Chloe’s face lit up.

“Wonderful,” Genny murmured.

But Judge.


His boy looked happy, relieved, excited and humbled, all at once.

“That would be awesome,” Judge said low.

“Not to live, but I’ll definitely be out here more often,” Jamie explained.

“We’ll take anything we can get,” Judge replied.

“Absolutely,” Chloe added.

At this point, he had to shift because Genny was there, handing over JT.

“Not a surprise,” she said after Jamie had curled the light bundle to his chest. He looked up into her blue eyes. “They’re hard to resist.”

She was very right.

She smiled at him, he returned it, then he moved it to the bundle in his arms.

JT was awake, his unseeing eyes staring, his little baby fists moving randomly, and Nora had been correct.

Sheer perfection.

He shifted his gaze to see Judge whispering in Chloe’s ear, and Chloe listening with rapt attention.


Sheer perfection.

That evening, everyone had returned to Duncan and Genny’s, except Dru, whose flight to go home left the next day.