“No, honey,” Jamie said gently. “We’ve got all we’ll ever need.”

She tipped her head so she could see Judge. “They always fight, but I’m always right.”

“I think maybe we should skirt that subject for a couple more days, baby,” Judge advised.

“Skirt what subject?” Nora asked, returning with a pad and paper, which she handed to Chloe.

“Nothing,” Judge said.

“My brilliant matchmaking skills,” Chloe said over him.

Judge sighed.

Jamie heard Genny swallow a giggle.

Nora crossed her arms over her stomach, but she put out one hip so she could better tap her toe.

Christ, she was something.

And he was an imbecile.

Why had he fought it for so long?

How had he managed to do that?

He had to settle in the fact it was done now.

Or it would be, officially (or, more officially), when they got their asses home.

“We do need to discuss how infernally outrageous that was,” Nora declared.

“Sweetheart,” Jamie tried to intervene.

“You can’t be complaining,” Chloe stated.

“I’m not complaining.” Nora waved a hand blithely. “But that does not negate the fact you stranded your father-in-law and I on a boat for a week. This, my darling, in the game of life and love, is known as foul play.”

“It wasn’t a boat,” Chloe returned. “It was a mega-yacht.”

“I also won’t argue the amenities, dear,” Nora shot back. “No one could accuse you of not having good taste. But again, you stranded your father-in-law and I on a mega-yacht for a week. This isn’t a Disney movie.”

Chloe snuggled back into her husband and smugly retorted, “It seemed to have worked out like one.”

“Well, obviously, that can’t be argued either,” Nora drawled.

Jamie chuckled.

Genny let her giggle loose this time.

Judge pulled his wife closer.

“However, I must elicit a promise from you at this juncture,” Nora went on.

“And that would be?” Chloe prompted.

“You never engage in that behavior again without involving me, and when I say that, I mean from the very beginning. I don’t want to miss a thing.”

“Well, Gage is here, working with Judge now, so that will be difficult for you, since you live in New York. Matt, the same. Sully is in Texas, also difficult for you. Sasha down in Phoenix, ditto. But when I get down to Ned and Blake, you can be in on it.”