Jamie had managed to start their day off right, nonetheless.
Dru and Hale were in Chloe and Judge’s kitchen, cooking enough food to refrigerate and freeze, it would keep that couple fed for a month.
Sully and Gage were outside, exercising the dogs.
Elsa was in the study, doing some work.
Laird was in Tom’s arms, and Tom was out on the back deck.
Genny was in an armchair, JT cradled in her lap.
Duncan was at work, and so were Matt, Rix, and Alex, and Mi and Sasha had had to go back down to Phoenix to do the same thing.
Mika and Cadence were on a run to the grocery store to get something Hale had forgotten.
And Chloe and Judge had arrived home with JT half an hour ago.
Jamie’s son had his wife cuddled to his chest where they both lounged on a couch, Chloe covered with a blanket, so Judge was as well. Venus was curled at their feet.
Jamie was in the other armchair, legs stretched in front of him, crossed at the ankles, waiting for his turn with JT.
All this was as it was when Nora floated down the stairs.
She stopped at the foot of the couch and stared severely at Chloe.
“Your postpartum wardrobe is unacceptable, darling,” she announced.
Judge’s gaze raced to his dad.
Jamie simply fought smiling and shook his head to communicate that, yes, Nora had undoubtedly snooped in Chloe’s closet, but no, he didn’t need to be concerned, because that was all she’d done, and she had a purpose in doing it.
Which she would handle, Jamie knew, right now, because when it came to clothes—or anything she deemed important, like a woman who took pride in her appearance, as Chloe did, needing not to lose hold on the woman she was when motherhood became a part of her life—Nora didn’t fuck around.
“I know, I didn’t have time to?—”
Before Chloe could finish reminding everyone she’d given birth five weeks early, Nora spoke.
“No matter. Jamie has a laptop and that’s what express shipping is for.”
“There are some things I’ve been meaning to get from my shop in Phoenix,” Chloe said.
“I’ll bring you a pad and paper, darling. You make a list. I’ll call Mi. She can package them up and I’ll arrange for them to be couriered immediately,” Nora said. She looked to Judge and raised her brows. “Pad and paper?”
“Study, also kitchen,” Judge answered.
Nora glided to the kitchen.
“I love her so much,” Chloe said dreamily, watching Nora go.
“Me too,” Judge replied to her, but his eyes were on Jamie.
Jamie didn’t fight that smile.
“Are you unpacked?” Judge asked him.
“Yes,” Jamie answered.
“Is there anything you need?” Chloe asked.