But, fuck him, he was about to do just that before they got their news.
So he was forced to answer, “Yes.”
She looked away and huffed out an exasperated sigh.
He caught her chin and brought her back to him.
“We can make out in Genny and Duncan’s guest room,” he suggested in a low voice.
“Have you seen your chest?” she queried haughtily, glancing down at it like it caused offense and he needed to apologize for it.
He was chuckling again when he answered, “Yes.”
“Well, allow me to inform you, as a heterosexual female, that it would be nigh on impossible to simply make out, as you so eloquently put it, with you and your bare chest, and not have that get out of hand.”
Good to know.
“I could put on a T-shirt,” he offered.
“I’ve seen it already this morning. It’s taunting me now. You’d have to put on a snowsuit to take my mind off it.”
Jamie again burst out laughing.
Nora waited until he was done before she spoke again, but she wasn’t fooling him. Her face was soft, her expression content. She loved to make him laugh.
And Jamie loved that she did, and more, that she brought so much laughter back into his life.
He loved that quite a bit.
“If we must be up and mobile at this godforsaken hour, I need coffee,” she ordered imperiously.
“I’ll get right on that.”
“You do that.”
“Kiss first.”
She lost all snootiness and whispered, “Jamie.”
“Quick one.”
“I have morning breath.”
“No tongue.”
She rolled her eyes.
Jamie stole a kiss.
When he pulled away, she was pouting, and that didn’t fool him either.
Her expression was no longer content.
It was happy.