Nora wasn’t an early riser.
And although he’d very much like to start both their days in a way it’d be starting the day right, Jamie didn’t want the first time they made love to be in Duncan and Genny’s guest room.
Or Judge and Chloe’s.
It had been too long of a wait, and that was all his fault.
But they were going to have to wait a little longer.
He sighed, caught her hand on the arm that was draped around his waist and pulled it carefully to his lips so as not to wake her. He touched his mouth to her knuckles.
With equal caution, he set it behind him and slid out from in front of her.
When he got back from the bathroom, she was up on an arm, blinking crossly at the window.
Those annoyed eyes came to him.
“What time is it?” she asked.
“It’s six,” he answered.
“Is there an actual six o’clock in a day where I don’t have a cocktail in my hand?”
Damn, she was funny.
He chuckled, walked to her and sat on the bed in the crook of her lap. “Yes, that would be the one referred to as six in the morning.”
“I don’t recognize this in Nora Time.”
“Then go back to sleep, baby,” he murmured.
“No.” She shook her head. “I can’t. We need to pack. And our rental car is being delivered this morning. I also need to go over Hale’s grocery list. He might miss something.”
Chloe and JT arriving home that day, they all had their assignments.
And it was Nora doing the assigning.
Her and Elsa.
“And, of course, I have to go through the motions of looking fabulous before all that happens,” she concluded.
“You look fabulous now,” he told her.
And she did. Cute and soft and entirely too fuckable for their day’s schedule.
“Stop looking at me like that, Jameson,” she snapped. “We haven’t discussed it, but I believe we both understand we cannot consummate this delightful change to our relationship in Genny and Duncan’s guest room with your daughter ensconced right across the hall.”
He lifted his eyes from where they’d gotten caught on her mouth.
“Or Judge and Chloe’s,” he added.
“One question,” she demanded.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Were you going to ravish me in the aft lounge before we got our dire news?”
He burst out laughing at the word “ravish.”