And now, all of them had eyes to him, there were some smirks, some happy smiles, some expressions of delighted surprise, this because of what they’d witnessed between Jamie and Nora.
He ignored all of that as Dru led him down the hall and to a room. She stuck her head in, turned back to him and graced him with a radiant smile before she pushed through and guided him in.
Tom was standing, looking out the window.
Genny was perched on a chair in a manner she could pop out of it at a second’s notice.
Both of their gazes came to him as Dru backed out and closed the door.
But he only had eyes for what was in the bed.
Chloe lay there on her back, her head having fallen to the side, and incidentally, into the throat of her husband, because Judge was stretched out beside her, turned to his wife, his arm tight around her, his head bent, face in her lustrous dark hair.
They were both fast asleep.
Jamie moved to the bed and couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and smoothing back a lock of hair that had fallen on his son’s forehead.
He’d felt this feeling, once, the day Judge was born.
And Christ, it was the most beautiful feeling in the world.
His gaze darted to Chloe when he heard her sleepy-tired-soft, “He’ll tell you it was his idea, but he lies. It was mine.”
Jamie had no idea what she was talking about, he was just thrilled he’d have the opportunity to find out, but that time wasn’t now.
“Okay,” he whispered, moving his hand to cup the top of her head. He bent and kissed her forehead then lifted up and ordered, “You done good, honey. Now go back to sleep.”
Her eyes drifted closed, her lips curled up, and she turned her own head to fit it back into her husband’s throat before she did as told.
Jamie looked at Judge, who had not woken through this.
He felt a hand on his back.
He turned to see Tom standing close.
“Come with me,” Tom said quietly.
Jamie followed Tom out of the room and further down the hall.
To the nursery.
The nurse there hurried to get them gowns and masks, they washed their hands, and then Tom led him to a clear-sided hospital bassinet that was on rollers.
Resting in it, wrapped in a plush blue blanket with a deep satin border, his eyes closed, his cheeks chubby (regardless of his size), was the new most precious being on the planet.
Tom put his tanned hand on the baby’s blanket, bringing into stark relief how tiny he was.
“Five pounds, twelve ounces, allow me the privilege of introducing you to Jameson Thomas Oakley,” Tom announced.
Jamie felt his body buck as the bolt of happiness seared through him, and his gaze shot to Tom.
“I know,” Tom said on a smile. “Hale and Elsa already gave me the honor, but this one feels just as fucking amazing as the last one.”
Jamie was not one of those men so desperate to deny the fact his existence in the grand scheme of things would one day melt clean away, so in an attempt to lengthen the stamp he put on history, he named his offspring after himself.
Hence, his son’s name was Judge.
But fuck, it felt good that Judge and Chloe honored him this way.