He nodded mutely.
“Let’s change, darling, so we’ll be ready and won’t lose a second.”
He nodded again but didn’t move.
“Let’s go,” I stated firmly.
He still didn’t move.
So I took charge.
I pulled him to the stairs and took him to his cabin, which was at the opposite end of the yacht from mine.
I left him there.
And learned I could run in four-inch heels.
Because, once I saw Jamie yank off his suit jacket, I turned toward my own cabin.
And that was exactly what I did.
They received the news somewhere over New Mexico.
Considering Hale, Elsa and Laird were on the plane when he and Nora met it, so they needed the additional seating capacity for transport to the hospital, Rix and Harvey, Duncan’s best friend, had both driven to the local airport to pick them up.
Harvey, a rabidly genial man, was unusually quiet.
Rix looked wrecked.
It felt like Jamie hadn’t had any oxygen from the minute the captain gave them the news until they hit the maternity waiting room, and he saw Duncan surge out of his chair and jog to them, a massive smile on his face.
He took Jamie’s hand, and with his other, clamped the muscle where Jamie’s shoulder met his neck and squeezed.
Duncan didn’t delay in speaking.
“Chloe and baby are fine,” he shared the information they got on the plane, but Jamie, knowing thoroughly how painful love could be, refused to believe it until he saw it. “She lost a lot of blood, so they’re going to keep her here for a day or two. Their baby boy is adorable as fuck, and so tiny. But he’s breathing on his own, sucking and can keep himself warm. They’re gonna keep him here with Coco, but when she’s good to go, he’s good to go.”
Judge and Chloe had a boy.
Nora had been right.
Duncan looked over his shoulder, grinned largely, clapped Jamie’s neck and stepped aside.
Through all this, Nora was at his side, clutching his biceps with both hands, but they dropped away when Dru fell into his arms.
He wrapped them tight around his daughter and rested his cheek against her brilliant hair, pulling in her scent, feeling her health and relief and joy seep into him.
She tipped her head back, and he lifted his.
“Let’s go see Judge,” she whispered.