“Therefore, ride it out,” Mika finished.
Oh God.
“Can I talk to her now?” Teddy asked petulantly.
“Are you done with me?” Mika asked me.
“I think so.” My voice was trembling.
“You got this, Nora. Stay the course.”
“Here’s Teddy,” she said.
“Thank you,” he stressed snottily. “Nora, darling?”
“I’m here,” I replied.
“I don’t have much more…yet.”
Then why did he want so badly to talk to me?
“But I think we both can agree this is sinister news,” he went on.
We could definitely agree on that.
“Indeed,” I said.
“So dire, I’m activating the G-Force.”
This was such news, I forgot about being Jamie’s brownie and gasped.
The G-Force was Teddy’s group of friends. They were all gay (hence, the “G”) and they were all connected. They could find out anything, and they did. In fact, after Elsa was folded into the family, several of them acknowledged they were informants of hers when she was still in the gossip game.
They could also ruin you if they so desired.
One could just say, Truman Capote’s lesson to the swans, which should have been passed down generation to generation with alacrity, was not learned by every female in Manhattan. Swans all over the place were making the same mistakes with the G-Force. And if they didn’t stay on the Force’s good side, as the saying went, shit got real.
Usually (as in, always), their maneuvers were only made on behalf of members who felt they’d been wronged.
It was a huge honor they might consider my plight for one of their skilled and precise strikes.
“Do you think they’ll take it on?” I asked.
“I already know they will,” Teddy purred.
“Oh my God,” I breathed with sheer, unadulterated glee.
“They love you. You’re a gay icon. You’re our Babe Paley.”
I just knew they were all over going Capote. Though (in my opinion), Babe hadn’t deserved the Capote treatment.
Fortunately, the G-Force was on the side of good.
Not to mention…
How sweet.