“Probably not a surprise,” he started, “but they feature daily housekeeping service of the cabins, nightly turn downs, and they can launder or press clothes if needed.”
“Of course they can.”
His lips tipped up before he went on, “They also have anything we might have forgotten, toothpaste, shampoo, sunscreen, charging cables.”
“I think I’m covered.”
“Just in case.”
I tipped my head to the side to confirm I heard him.
He kept going. “I further confirmed that breakfast is whenever you swan onto the deck.”
I put my fork down in affront. “I do not swan.”
He chuckled even as he said, “Nora, you totally swan.”
I swanned.
And we were getting into Jamie Teasing Territory.
Moving on.
“We’ll let them know when we’re ready for lunch,” he continued. “She told me they ask for an hour’s notice, if we can give them that heads up. Also, if we want snacks, just let them know, though the screening room is equipped with a full-service snack bar.”
Again, I was unsurprised.
Jamie kept going. “And I shared we’re fine with dinner being at seven. She gave me a menu of what they have planned, and it seems they’ve been informed I don’t like bell peppers and you don’t like scallops.”
“Chloe is thorough,” I stated with peeved admiration.
“She is that,” Jamie said before he took a bite of toast.
I quickly moved my attention from his lovely white teeth biting into the bread and returned it to my plate.
“They have boardgames, a game console, playing cards and a small library that has a number of books,” Jamie said.
“It seems we’re all set,” I murmured irritably.
“I thought we could watch a movie after breakfast, then after lunch, sit in the hot tub until we need to get out to prepare for dinner.”
I had never seen Jamie’s bare chest.
I desperately wanted to see if his body was what was promised through his clothes.
An aside: the promise was promising.
What I equally desperately didn’t want was for him to know—since it would forever be look, but don’t touch—I needed to avoid any view of him bare anywhere. Therefore, I’d have to sit with him in that dratted jacuzzi, so he didn’t guess why I refused to do so.
“Sounds like a plan.”
“But now, over breakfast, we’re going to finish our conversation from last night.”
My head whipped his way at the surprise attack.
He waved his fork side to side at the same time he shook his head. “Not that. Roland.”