Page 189 of Embracing the Change

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, “You hardly have to do that.”

“Do we have to have a certain conversation again?” he asked.

Since he was talking about the one that referred to his cock, he saw her mouth quirk, her eyes flash with humor, and she shook her head.

Roland came in, and along with being happy he’d given Nora a moment of amusement before her ex showed, Jamie was glad he switched locations.

Because the man glanced at his children, but when he saw Nora, his gaze riveted on her, and his expression became ravaged.

“You were attacked?” he whispered.

He felt Nora stiffen, so Jamie moved into her and slid an arm around her waist.

“How did you—?” Nora began.

But Roland shook his head and cut her off. “It doesn’t matter. I had no idea. I…I wanted you back. She told me she felt guilt for…for what transpired, and she wanted to help me do that, and she would, if I helped her get AJ out of financial trouble.”

And the last puzzle piece slipped into place.

“I had no idea she…she’d…” he trailed off, his gaze moving to Jamie, then to Dru, and at that, Jamie knew Roland also had learned that Paloma had set Chet on them, including Chet assaulting Nora.

“This situation has been handled, Roland, so you needn’t trouble yourself with it,” Nora declared.

“I had no idea, darling,” Roland whispered.

At the endearment, Jamie was unable to keep his silence, but he still spoke no words. Instead, he made a low noise of warning.

Roland’s head jerked before he quickly, and surprisingly, said to Jamie, “Not my place, I’m sorry.” He returned his attention to Nora. “I’m so sorry.” He took a step back, looked at each of his children in turn, and again to Nora, he said, “That’s all I wanted to say. In front of you. Our children. I’m sorry. Truly sorry. For all of it, Nora.”

Without hesitation, Nora replied quietly, “Apology accepted.”

Valentina was right, she was too nice to him, but that wasn’t Jamie’s call.

It was also part of why he loved her, that big heart she hid behind the uppity society dame, a heart that led her to him, time and again, over decades, and also led her to waiting for him to get his head out of his ass so they could have what they now shared. Thus, he also couldn’t complain.

Roland looked to Allegra. “I love you.”

She nodded, tears in her eyes.

He turned to Val. “And you.”

His second daughter just stared at him.

Roland finally looked to Nico. “And you, son.”

Nico said nothing, but held his father’s gaze, his own contemplative and not shut down, like Val’s had been.

“I’ll leave you to your lunch,” Roland murmured, then to Darryn, “Thank you for letting me in.”

“Not my idea, man,” Darryn replied, making it clear he wasn’t over it.

Roland nodded, slid his gaze through his ex-wife and children again, and finally walked out.

The minute the door closed, Val launched in. “Allegra, if you told him about what happened to Mom?—”

“I didn’t tell him,” Allegra asserted.

“I didn’t either,” Nico put in.