Page 177 of Embracing the Change

Case in point…now, the Saturday after we went to Texas, Jamie and I were spending the day together in bed. Alyona had the entire weekend off. He was cooking for me later. But all weekend, we had no plans but to be together, eat together, nap together, sleep together and make love to each other.

I didn’t need a superyacht.

I just needed my bed with Jamie in it.

As if to prove my point, his phone vibrated on the nightstand, evidence that life will leach into your happy.

But, just as long as you hold onto it, through all the ups, as well as the downs, you’re good.

I lifted my head to look at him.

“I’m going to ignore it,” he said.

With all that was swirling around us, we both knew he couldn’t.

“Have a look,” I replied. “I’ll go clean up.”

He nodded, and sadly, he didn’t look happy about doing it. I touched my lips to his. When I was finished, he looked happy about that.

Then I slid him out, climbed off him and headed to the bathroom.

I saw to business, had my bra still on, and tried to decide if I should find my panties, or if they would be extraneous, all while I listened to the low murmur of his voice.

I returned to the bedroom (by the by, I decided not to bother with putting on my panties) just as he was setting his phone back to the nightstand.

I climbed into bed to the delightful invitation of Jamie’s arms going wide, so I rested my chest on his, and he wrapped them around me.

“Who was it?” I asked.

“Nico,” he answered.

I felt my brows go up.

Jamie didn’t delay in giving me what I nonverbally requested. “He wanted to talk to me before he talked to you, because he knew you’d say yes, and he wanted to make sure it was okay with me before you said yes.”

“Oh dear,” I murmured, having an idea of what was coming.

“Yes, baby,” he murmured in return. “He asked if he could move in here when they return from Vermont.”

My heart squeezed.

“So, it’s done,” I stated.

“I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it, but he’s coming down every weekend, staying at their place, because they’re sharing space during the week since there’s no other choice. They’re contractually obligated to teach those classes. But Felice has already found a roommate to move in to help her with rent when she’s back from Vermont, so Nico’s out.”

Felice didn’t even let the grass die around their marital house.

I was glad I could more openly dislike that girl.

My mouth got tight, and Jamie didn’t miss it.

“He says he’s good with it. He’s going to buy an apartment or find a co-op. He didn’t want to rent in the first place. He thinks it’s throwing away money, since he can’t even claim it on his taxes. He just needs somewhere to be while he’s looking.”

“You two talked a lot in a short period of time,” I remarked.

Jamie smiled. “We tend to lay it out there.”

I would love him simply for being that man Nico could lay it out there to.