Nico slipped out as Nora grabbed Jamie’s hand and held tight.
He sat up.
“He died,” she whispered. “And…Jamie…”
“What?” he asked tersely, not sure what he was feeling, he just knew it wasn’t good.
“They haven’t been able to inspect it officially, but Elsa says there are rumors flying that, preliminary evidence suggests he wasn’t simply caught in the fire. He was caught while setting it.”
“How’s Jamie doing?” Chloe asked in my ear.
I was in my closet with Alyona, packing.
Alyona was holding up a black dress.
I shook my head and turned back to Jamie’s suits and my conversation with Chloe.
“I don’t think he knows how he’s doing,” I confided.
“I can imagine,” she murmured.
I pulled out a charcoal gray, bespoke, CKC New York suit and hung it on the valet rail.
I turned back to Alyona who was holding up my Givenchy, pleated-skirt, black silk dress.
I nodded.
She hooked it on a valet rail.
“Just so you know, Judge is going down to meet you guys, and Rix is going with him.”
At this news, I stopped perusing Jamie’s tray of precisely rolled ties to focus on the conversation.
“Chloe, that’s a lovely gesture, but you know how Jamie feels about Judge leaving you and JT to go to the funeral.”
“I know, Judge knows, but honestly, ma belle amie, do you think he’s going to let his father go through this without him?”
“I’ve got Mom, Duncan, Heddy, Beth, and Alex all close to help out,” she explained. “And Judge, who’s his father’s son, so he’s overprotective, asked Gage to stay with me while he’s gone. Gage was all over it. I can, of course, take care of a baby, two dogs and a cat by myself, but I won’t have to. So Jamie doesn’t have to worry.”
“Is Judge going to tell him, or am I?” I asked, nodding my head to Alyona proffering my patent, black, slingback Louboutin pumps.
“Judge is packing. They have to leave soon to head down to Phoenix to catch their plane. He’s going to call Jamie on the way.”
“All right. I’m packing too, dearest. Dru will be here in less than an hour, then we’re away to JFK.”