Page 158 of Embracing the Change

The screen went to someone sitting in the studio. “Paula, any word on AJ Oakley?”

Back to the reporter, who shook her head. “We’ve been told Mr. Oakley’s son, Jeff, and the senior Oakley’s girlfriend, former supermodel Paloma Friedrichsen, were at the house when the fire started, but we haven’t seen either of them. And no word on AJ Oakley.”

Evan the newscaster came back on screen. “I’m sure you’ll stay on top of it, Paula,” he said. “We’ll circle back to you when…”

Tom turned down the volume and looked to Jamie.

“Arson?” Tom asked.

Tom, one of his closest friends, was not in the dark about all that was going on.

“Absolutely,” Jamie answered.

The fingers of both of Nora’s hands wrapped around his biceps.

Dru came to his other side, and she grabbed his hand.

“AJ would burn down his house with both his son and his girlfriend inside?” Mika asked, and her voice was pitched far higher than normal.

His first thought was, if he was the beneficiary of life insurance on either of them, Jamie wouldn’t put it past him.

But he said, “I don’t know about that.” He looked back to the TV to see Evan prattling mutely on about something. “The reporter might have been given wrong information.”

Allegra plopped down beside her brother, with Valentina doing it on the other side, Allegra saying, “I’m so sorry, Jamie. Watching your childhood home burn like that has to stink.”

Actually, he had no fucks to give. The ostentatious monstrosity of Oakbilly could burn right to the ground for all he cared.

It was just that his real dad and brothers would have no home to live in and as such, would have to rebuild if they decided to take over Oakbilly and live there.

“What’s this about arson?” Valentina asked.

“I’ll explain later,” Nora said quickly.

Jamie sat back down, and since they were attached to him, both of his girls came down with him.

“Do you think that Charles and his group pulled out of the deal, and this was an act of desperation?” Nora asked quietly.

“I don’t know what to think,” Jamie muttered.

“What I think is, it’s time for dessert,” Mika decreed. “I’ll go talk to Alyona. We’ll serve it in here. Cozy and comfortable.”

Jamie watched as Mika gave Tom’s hand a squeeze and strode out.

“I’m gonna help Mom,” Cadence said, shooting a sad look Jamie’s way, then she ducked out.

“You okay, Dad?” Dru asked.

He turned to her. “I’m fine, darlin’. Just…stunned. But I had no ties to that place, and not many good memories.”

She glanced beyond him to Nora before she came back to him and said, “Okay.”

He squeezed her hand.

Then he looked to Nico and requested, “Can we talk in the hall for a second?”

All the women exchanged glances, but Nico got up quickly, saying, “Sure.”

Jamie followed him to the hall, and when they were down it a ways, they stopped.