Page 152 of Embracing the Change

She was beaming again, and he knew she loved shopping, but she’d also told him about her conversation with his daughter about designers and style, so he knew that beam was about a lot more than just shopping. Thus, Jamie decided talking was done, making out was in order, so with her between his legs, his ass on her desk, that was what they did.

He let her go to change out of his suit so they could relax and have dinner. Then read for a while, make love and go to sleep.

It wouldn’t be until the next afternoon, when Charles called him, that Jamie would learn that Roland had completely stepped away from the Oakbilly Gulch deal.

So either Nora or Nico got to him.

That was good to know.

One down.

Two to go.




Saturday afternoon, Jamie was in the hearth room, while Mika, Cadence, Tom, Dru, Allegra, Valentina and Nico (Archie was shooting a game, Darryn was on call) were sitting around the dining table, still chatting, and giving it time before they had dessert after consuming Alyona’s gut-busting lunch.

He left them after he got a call from Judge, everyone yelled out hello (and demanded more baby pictures), and he moved to the hearth room for more privacy.

Nora had exquisite taste, every inch of her apartment was stunning, which made him look forward to what she and his daughter were going to do to the brownstone, but this was his favorite room in the house. It was the only one that had any masculinity to it, if you counted black velvet couches with crystal and gold lighting features as masculine.

But he liked the one dark feature wall, and the couches in there were insanely comfortable.

He settled in one and asked his son, “Everything going well?”

“JT is growing like a weed, mostly out,” Judge told him. “He’s getting a buddha belly. It’s cute as fuck.”

Jamie chuckled even as he reminded himself to look for real estate in Prescott. The lives they lived and where they lived them, at that juncture, it was out of his control how much he’d miss of his grandson in this time.

But Jamie was determined not to let that go on too long.

“Chloe’s good,” Judge continued. “She’s getting her energy back, even though we’ve found that good-night’s-sleep-is-a-memory thing for parents is very real, and it’s tougher for her because she’s breastfeeding.”

“You’re with her on that, though. Right?” Jamie prompted.

He heard the smile in his son’s voice, a reaction to Jamie’s quiet order, when Judge replied, “Yeah, Dad. She tells me I don’t have to get up and hang with them. I tell her, if she’d just pump so I could feed him and she could sleep, she wouldn’t have to get up. But she feels like hogging all that action, and when Chloe is really into something, I’ve learned the best thing to do is just let her do it.”

Jamie chuckled again.

Judge kept speaking. “Though, she says she’s going to give me a shot…eventually.”

“That’s good, buddy. Feeding your child is a bonding experience.”

“I totally get that. In fact, sharing that is how I got her to give in and let me feed my boy…eventually.”

Jamie shared more auditory amusement.

“She goes down to her shop in town a few hours a day while Genny watches JT,” Judge told him. “Or she drops him at my office, and then I have to fight everyone off because they want a piece of him. Alex has fallen in love. Rix has fallen in love with her falling in love. He told me he’s gonna knock her up on their honeymoon.”

“I hope he does,” Jamie said, looking forward to the trip to go out for their wedding, one that was happening that coming autumn, and he was looking forward to it for a bevy of reasons.

On that thought, Jamie picked up his earlier thought and made a mental note to set up some house viewings while they were out there.

“I do too,” Judge said into Jamie’s thoughts. “He also shared, when he lost his legs, he gave up on the idea of having kids. Didn’t think he could protect them if something really bad happened. It’s fucking awesome he doesn’t feel that way anymore.”