“There’s something I haven’t shared…about Paloma.”
Jamie felt the skin at the back of his neck stretch taut.
“What?” he pushed when she didn’t go on.
“Well, as you know, she was with Tom for a time.”
“I know this.”
“And Tom broke things off when he started seeing Mika.”
“I know this too.”
“And Paloma wasn’t happy about it.”
“I could guess at that.”
“Well, she intended to do something about it. And not long after Mika and Tom realized their undying love for each other, I got a call from Hale.”
Now, he was confused. “Hale?”
“Hale, who told me that Elsa had told him that Paloma had been doing some pretty intense digging, and she was close to finding out the name of the woman Tom had an affair with.”
The air Jamie sucked in at that hissed between his teeth.
And then it hit him.
“So you intervened,” he guessed.
“Not exactly,” she dissembled.
“How not exactly?” he pressed.
“I believe it was Hale who made certain the woman wasn’t found.”
“And you?”
She fluttered out a hand. “Well, it was light work, darling. She’d already burned a great many bridges.”
“But you burned the rest of them so there were no more invitations, which meant cutting her off from her means of existence, as she wouldn’t easily be able to meet men of a certain standing, married or not.”
She bit her lip to communicate he was correct.
She then continued, “And she might, well…be banned from the Prada boutique on 5th Avenue.”
Jamie sighed.
“And the one on Madison,” she continued.
Jamie rested his head on the back of the sofa.
Heiress took this opportunity to climb out of his arms and settle between them on the sofa.
“And the one on Broadway,” Nora mumbled.
Jamie returned his gaze to her.
“Prada is her preferred house. Almost to the point she’d made it her signature,” she explained.