Page 109 of Embracing the Change

“So we’ll figure it out,” he repeated, more firmly this time.

Yes, we would.

With my lips tipped up, I reached out and touched his strong chin.

Then I said, “I’m going to dash and make a drink.”

“Stay still,” he ordered as he pushed out of the sofa. When he was on his feet, he looked down at me. “What do you want?”

“I’m feeling a gin gimlet tonight, darling.”

“Coming up,” he murmured, and sauntered from the room.

After the glory of the vision of him was out of sight, it struck me that change was good, but it wasn’t always easy.

In the end, though, I knew Jamie was right.

We’d figure it out.

And then it would be just fine.

I had this thought not taking it further and realizing, change wasn’t good for everybody.

For some, they’d strike out at those who were affecting it.

Some would do that spitefully.

And others would do it viciously.




“This is mildly disturbing,” my son mumbled.

“Shut up! She hasn’t even allowed me to touch her yet, but still. I love Heiress,” my youngest snapped.

“Not the cat, the cat bed,” Nico corrected.

I sat on the sofa in my living room with my legs crossed, a Perrier with lemon and lime in hand, my eyes on my newest dearest darling, my beloved Heiress the cat, lounging on her cream silk, ruched-back, circular cat bed that had jeweled nailhead trim (it even had its own tiny toss pillows!).

She was licking a paw, pretending she wasn’t basking in the attention.

She was life.

Evidence of this: the instant the delivery men set that bed down on Friday, she’d daintily stepped into it, and then rightfully claimed it as her throne.

I was considering buying one for every room.

I didn’t share that.

No, I shared something else.

“I’m trying to find one of those small-animal carriers so she can go on the town with me,” I declared. “Sadly, they all seem to be designed for dogs, which I find offensive. I had no idea the prejudice against felines in the fashion world. It’s disgraceful. And Lagerfeld even had Choupette!”

My son and daughter (and daughter-in-law, though, Archie was grinning) both stood there staring at me.