Luckily it was still early. Most of the Ward employees arriving were there for workouts, and they were all too busy to pay attention to Quinn and Shane leaving. Once outside, Shane, still carrying his suitcase in one hand, grabbed Quinn’s arm with his other and tugged him toward his car. “I’ll bring you back to get your car. I’m not letting you out of my sight until we talk this out. I can’t believe you just ran off on me like that.”

But now that he was fully awake, Quinn was in no mood to be pushed around. When they reached Shane’s car, he yanked his suitcase out of his hand and dropped it to the ground. He grabbed Shane and turned them, so he could push him into his car. He burrowed his hands under Shane’s jacket, holding his waist and pressing against him. “I went away on a job. And just what are we talking about here, Shane? Two more days of fucking?”

“Is that what you want? Is that all you want?” Shane cupped the sides of his neck, his hands warm in the cool November air. “Look me in the eye and tell me the truth.”

Heart pounding painfully in his chest, Quinn tightened his fingers on Shane’s sides and stared hard into brown eyes that looked very much like they wanted a hell of a lot more than two days of fucking. So, he took a plunge. “No, it’s not all I want.” He held his breath.

“Good, because I was planning to wear you down otherwise.” Shane tugged his head close until they were a breath apart. “I want more, Quinn Lake. I want everything you have to give me.”

“I thought you didn’t do permanent,” Quinn whispered.

“I’ve never wanted to before. And for a while, I thought this attraction was just so strong, I’d have to fuck it out of my system, but it’s not just attraction—although that’s stronger than anything I’ve ever felt for anyone before.” He rested their foreheads together. “When you took off after that killer, I thought I was going to lose my mind. The absolute terror I felt that something could happen to you shocked me and scared me to death. That’s why I was quiet for a couple of days after we got done with all the police questioning.” He pulled back to look at Quinn again. “But then you ignored me. Avoided me. Even if you didn’t want more, I didn’t think you’d do something so…so…”

“Rude? Cold?” Quinn supplied. His voice dropped. “I was scared, too. Scared that what I’m feeling was only one way.”

“And what are you feeling?”

Sure his poor heart was now trying to escape, Quinn took a deep breath, then another, hating that both were so obviously shaky. He closed his eyes, took one more breath, and then took that last plunge all the way into the abyss. “Love, Shane. I’m feeling love.”

Shane threw his head back, laughter spilling from his lips. He then wrapped his arms around Quinn and pulled him into a hug that left no room for breath. “Fuck, Quinn, I was so damn scared you weren’t feeling that, too. I love you. I know it’s crazy fast, but I’m sure of it. God, I was so pissed when you drove off after that bodyguard. And then when you avoided me.” He turned and pressed his lips to Quinn’s neck. “Don’t ever fucking do that again. You get mad at me or worry about anything, you come to me and we talk. Promise.”

“Yeah, I can do that. I promise.” A knot of joy started in his belly and spread, filling him so full. He turned and nudged Shane’s cheek, rubbing his nose in the light scruff there. “Hey,” he whispered.

This time, when Shane pulled back, there was no mistaking the mirrored joy in those expressive brown eyes of his. “What?”

“Take me back to your place, then do what you promised. Don’t let me out of your bed until we’ve had too much naked time.”

He snorted. “No such thing. Not with you. But fuck, yeah, let’s go. I’ve got two weeks of worry and anger built up, and I plan to work it off on your ass.”

Quinn just groaned and scrambled into the car. He’d spent the last two weeks jerking off to the memory of that last time with Shane. When he’d taken his time, then blew his mind. God, just thinking about it now had him sweating and shaking. He barely paid attention to the drive to Shane’s condo and didn’t even make it out of the elevator before he was pressing Shane into the wall and diving into his mouth. He groaned more when Shane started those long, thorough and drugging kisses that scrambled his mind. Shane held him close with tight grips on his hip and arm. He rubbed his dick against Quinn’s abdomen and Quinn pulled back, gasping air into his lungs.