“Yeah, I was worried you wouldn’t be able to reach your ass or your mouth with your massive wound.”

Shane laughed and wrapped an arm around Quinn’s neck to pull him close for a kiss. When Quinn stiffened up, he knew it had everything to do with the scary bodyguard in his kitchen. He whispered into his ear, “So, where should we stick Royce so you’ll stay the night?”

“I’ll stay,” Quinn said softly. He gave him a better, more relaxed kiss. “He can stay on the couch. But we have to be good. I think your dad heard us last night. He was cool about it, though.”

“That’s because he’s a great dad. But watch out—he wants to see me settled down badly. He may try to wine and dine you.”

“So there was an ulterior motive to the fantastic bacon and pancakes?”

“He always made an awesome breakfast and does spoil me, I’ll admit. But yeah, there was probably just a little bit of an underhanded motive.” He paused. “Let’s put him on the roof.”

“Your dad?”

Shane snickered. “No, the man I can hear exploring the staircase.”

Quinn snorted. “He’d probably like it up there, but Royce takes his job very seriously, so he’ll want to be closest to the door.”

“He’ll want to be closest to you. He loves you.”

The startled look on Quinn’s face just then surprised him.

“Surely you know that.”

“I know he likes me, but I’m not sure about love.”

“Trust me, he cares. But not in the wants to crawl into bed with you way like I do.” That didn’t make much sense, so he chuckled as he realized the painkiller was definitely kicking in. And Quinn smelled so good and his skin was so warm. He nuzzled into Quinn’s neck. “I really want to crawl into bed with you right now, and I do not want to be good. So we gotta figure out where to put the dark lord.”

“Don’t let him hear you call him that. He’d like it too much.”

“You know what I’d like right now?”

Quinn pulled back to look at him and nodded, smiling. “Yeah, I think I do. Let me see if I can get Royce to, I don’t know, put in earplugs or something.” His gaze dropped to Shane’s mouth and his voice lowered. “You have the naughtiest grin. It’s so damn hot.”

“Yeah? Tell me what else is hot.” He pulled him back, trying to tug Quinn onto his lap.

“Hold on there, cowboy. Why don’t you go into your room and I’ll talk to Royce.”

“Cowboy. I like that. Want me to get naked and put on the boots?”

Quinn snorted again, stood and pulled him to his feet. He planted a hard, fast kiss onto his lips and pushed him toward the bedroom. “Naked, yes. Boots, no.”

“There you go with that toppy voice again. Did I tell you how hot that makes me?” Shane turned and gave Quinn the grin that he knew the man couldn’t resist and gave him a toppy voice of his own. “Hurry. And undress as soon as you step into the room.”

He turned to find Royce standing there trying to keep a straight face. He looked over his shoulder at Quinn who just rolled his eyes and pointed toward the bedroom.

Shane hurried, not really giving a flying fuck where Royce ended up. He wasn’t in pain now, and all he wanted was Quinn in his bed. More than he wanted to breathe. He ripped off his clothes, leaving them in a heap near the door and carefully sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing a little to test his thigh. It hurt—he hadn’t taken enough medicine to kill it entirely—but not enough to deter him.

Quinn came into the room and firmly shut the door behind him. “I kicked him out for an hour.”

“Only an hour?”

He grinned and tugged his T-shirt over his head.

“Royce actually left?” Color him surprised.

“Nah, he’s hanging outside, watching the building. I didn’t want him in the condo for this.” He finished undressing and stalked to the bed, naked and beautiful, his dick already hard and leaking. “How’s your ass?”

“I’ll show you how my ass is,” Shane growled, pulling Quinn down to straddle his lap. That condo remark sounded very promising. “Why? You want back in it?”

“Of course I do, but that’s not exactly why I asked.”

Shane was barely listening to him as he ran his fingers over all the warm skin he could reach. He wrapped his hand around Quinn’s cock and spread the pre-come around with his thumb. A low, needy sound came from Quinn that made Shane’s toes curl into the rug.

“Is it hurting you?” Quinn asked even as he nuzzled into Shane’s hair. “Me sitting here?”

“My thigh is fine. Certainly fine enough for this.” He stretched up to put his lips on Quinn’s neck. “I love the way you smell. And you have the silkiest skin I’ve ever felt.” He opened his mouth over and over again on all that soft flesh. “Fuck, love the way you taste.”