“Who’s this handsome man with you?” she asked as soon as Quinn released her.

Quinn blushed and looked at Shane over his shoulder, seeming a little more like himself now. “That’s Shane Stephens. We’re working on a project together.”

Shane walked over and shook her hand with a grin. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lake.”

“This project…you’re being a good boy, aren’t you Quinn?”

“I promise, Mom. I’m good.”

“Have you asked him out yet?” she prodded, lowering her voice to a whisper as Shane stepped back away from the couch.

“No, he hasn’t,” Shane answered as Quinn rolled his eyes. “And I really wish he would.”

Charlotte patted her son on the chest and smiled. “He’s a good boy, but he’s shy.” Her eyes closed for a moment and Shane wondered if she was drifting off to sleep, but they immediately popped back open. “And smart. You’ll never meet anyone smarter with computers than my Quinn.”

“He’s amazing,” Shane agreed and he meant it.

“Mom, it’s almost five. They’re going to be delivering your dinner soon.”

“Are you sure?” She looked around, her movements growing more sluggish. “I thought I ate already.”

“Nope. Not yet. Why don’t you get some rest before they deliver your food?”

“Are you going to stay?”

He shook his head. “Gotta grab dinner myself and do laundry, but I’ll be back soon for a longer visit.”

“I like this plan.” Opening her arms, she let Quinn move in close for another tight hug that lasted longer than the first. “You go use that big brain and big heart of yours for something amazing.”

Quinn nodded and pressed a kiss to her cheek before backing out of the room with Shane. It looked like she was asleep before they even made it to the door.

Shane remained silent as they wound their way back out of Wellington Hills Estate. They paused long enough at the reception desk to sign back out and then they were outside. As they reached Shane’s car, he finally gave in to the impulse that had been building in him since Quinn had received the nurse’s phone call.

Grabbing him by the elbow, he jerked Quinn to him until their chests collided. Quinn looked up at him, his lips parted in surprise, and Shane took it as an invitation. He sealed his lips over Quinn’s, licking deep into his mouth again and again until Quinn melted against him. Fingers dug into his sides as Quinn eagerly kissed him back.

This wasn’t the same fire they’d had before. Shane knew his own emotions were a tangled mess and he was potentially crossing a line with Quinn, but he told himself that he’d clear his head later. That he’d be able to put this afternoon with Quinn and his mom behind him, put the man he was kissing like he was the key to his everything firmly back into friends-only territory.

But for now, this was heaven and he needed it. They both deserved it.

Reluctantly, Shane broke off the kiss but rested his forehead against Quinn’s.

“Whoa…” Quinn panted. “What was that for?”

“Because I’m proud of you. Proud to know you. You’re a good person and you take great care of your mother.”

“I’m also pretty good at blowjobs,” Quinn said and Shane threw back his head in surprised laughter.

“Yeah, I’ll give you that too. Get in the car.”

They rode for several minutes in companionable silence, Shane’s mind still working through everything that he’d learned about Quinn and the endless questions that ran through his head. Quinn looked exhausted and emotionally strung out from the ordeal as he lounged in the passenger seat, but notably more relaxed than he had been.

“So, do you really need to get laundry done, or is it just your go-to excuse when you need to escape?”

Quinn groaned and sank a little deep in his seat. “I really do need to get my laundry done.”

There was more to it, but Shane let it go.

“How about we swing by your place and pick up your laundry? I’ve got machines at my place. You can do a few loads and we can order in some food. We could do a little more work. Then maybe I can show you a fun way to relax.”

“Only if you let me pay for the food.”

“Hell, no. Dutch.”

“No way. I gotta thank you for all this shit today.”

Shane made a pfftt sound at Quinn’s comment. “You can thank me by letting me dump all your dirty underwear on my bed so I can roll in it.”

Quinn’s loud laughter filled the car, and Shane felt like they were finally getting back to normal. He’d started to miss that sound. “You’re insane.”

“And I love how you smell. Makes me hard.”

A soft snort escaped Quinn, and Shane could see him, out of the corner of his eye, shake his head. “Still…thanks for today. My mom means a lot to me. There are days, bad days, when she has trouble remembering me. I know eventually she’s going to forget me, but while I’ve still got her, I want to see her as often as possible. Want her to be happy. It’s all she ever wanted for me.”