Shane leaned forward and snagged Quinn’s lips in a quick, hard kiss before stepping back again. “Then we’ll rent the movie so you can catch up, but a quick summary is that this innocent, naïve guy named Edmond Dantès was framed for treason and was sent to prison. After years in prison, he escapes and proceeds with an elaborate plan to destroy the lives of the four men who destroyed his life.” Shane paused, licking his bottom lip before he counted off on his fingers, “Villefort, Danglars, Caderousse, and Mondego.”

“The email said Villefort and Danglars have fallen. Who are they in real life?”

“No clue.”

“And which one of the remaining two is the mayor?”

“No clue. But Monte Cristo is a story about revenge.”

Quinn leaned back in his chair and swore softly under his breath. “This just got a lot bigger. Or this hacker is a freaking nutjob.”

“Could be a bit of both,” Shane said with a half smile, but his expression seemed shaky as if he were also feeling overwhelmed.

They remained where they were, frozen as if locked up by all the possible implications. Where did they turn next? Did they talk to the mayor and tell him their thoughts? But what if he did fuck someone over?

Quinn’s ringing cell phone made them both suddenly jerk. For a heartbeat, he thought about ignoring it, but then he recognized the special ring he’d assigned to the number.

“Fuck,” he swore, snatching up his phone. He rolled to his feet, pacing away from Shane but not leaving the office. These calls were never good. He had to swipe the screen of his phone twice to get it to answer the call. “H-hello?”

“Hi, Quinn. It’s Elaine.”

He was surprised that she even bothered to introduce herself anymore. He’d know Elaine’s soft, patient voice anywhere. She was the nurse on duty who usually called him when there was a problem with his mom.

“What’s up?” Inwardly he hated his clipped tone, but panic was starting to build as his mind frantically cycled through all the possible scenarios for the call. Had the last payment not gone through? Were they kicking his mom out? Did she have another stroke? Fall? Break a bone?

“There’s been a small incident, and Dr. Carmichael is wondering if you could come in for a brief consultation.”

“What happened? Is my mom all right?”

“She’s fine. We had to give her a sedative. She became a little excited this afternoon and attacked one of the orderlies. I believe the doctor is looking to change her medication, but he needs to have a quick chat with you. Will you be able to come in?”

Quinn stumbled back a step, shoving his free hand through his hair as he swore under his breath. His mom attacked someone? That didn’t make any sense. His mom…she was the sweetest, gentlest person in the world. She would never hurt anyone. He struggled to reconcile his memories of his mom with the person she was now.

“Is she okay? And the orderly?”

“Both are fine. The doctor will be able to explain more. Can you come in?”

“Yeah. Yeah. I-I can be there in about thirty minutes. Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect. I’ll tell the doctor.”


“Quinn, your mom is okay. I promise,” Elaine said evenly and Quinn grasped on to the firmness of her voice. He needed her to be right. He didn’t know what he’d do if she wasn’t.

He heard Elaine end the call and he lowered the phone from his ear, but he couldn’t move. His eyes locked on the smartphone tightly clasped in his hand as if it were some foreign object while his brain became an endless flickering reel of memories of his mom. She was just young and laughing and sweet. So sweet. She gave him everything. Encouraged him. Believed in him even when he was rounded up by the feds for hacking through the stupid firewall around the Federal Reserve.

Her life shouldn’t be like this. She should be happy and living in her own home and doing the things that she would have enjoyed. Not this life. Why…

The sound of Shane moving quickly around the office finally got him to look up to watch Shane hurry around his desk to grab his jacket from the back of his chair and his keys from the desktop.

“I can drive you,” Shane announced, but Quinn still wasn’t following. His brain just couldn’t keep up. He was still stuck on his mom attacking an orderly…his mom attacking anyone.

“Why? I can…I can do this…”

Shane’s large hand landed on his shoulder again and gently squeezed, but this touch was so different from just two minutes ago. God, had it really been just two minutes? Shane’s touch helped to ground him back in the here and now.

“Quinn, let me help you.” He bent down the few inches that he had over Quinn, putting them at the same eye level. “You’re not thinking clearly enough to drive.”