“But the case. You can—”

“I’m your friend and friends come first.”

Quinn could only nod. He didn’t want to drive. Didn’t want to think. Not yet. He’d have to do that when they got to the home.When Shane heard Quinn’s half of the phone conversation, he naturally assumed that something had happened to his mom and they were going to the hospital. He couldn’t have been more mistaken when Quinn gave him directions to the Wellington Hills Estate. Just by the fact that Quinn hadn’t hesitated or looked at his phone meant that he’d driven there plenty of times to have it memorized. He also had his driver’s license ready when they pulled up to the enormous and elegant iron gate out front. They both handed off their IDs and the guard made a quick note on his clipboard before opening the gate.

From there, it was another two-minute drive along rolling, green hills and maple trees in bright red, orange, and yellow leaves. Everything about the place screamed money and luxury, which was more than a little stunning because nothing about Quinn had ever given the impression that he’d grown up with money or that he’d had a particularly privileged upbringing. The place didn’t even give a hint that it might be a nursing home.

A thousand nosy questions danced on the tip of his tongue, but he bit every last one of them back. Quinn stared off into space, completely silent the entire drive other than to give directions. His fingers twitched and picked at his jeans as if he was desperate for something to do. As they pulled up to the parking area, he reached over and grabbed Quinn’s hand.

“You’ve got this,” he said, giving his hand a quick squeeze before releasing it so he could put the car in park.

“Thanks. You didn’t have to do this, but I really appreciate it. My mom…she’s not like this. She’s not herself. She hasn’t been since the accident. It’s not her fault.”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain to me or anyone.” Fuck, his heart hurt for Quinn. He looked like he was holding it all together by a thread.

Quinn gave a quick, jerky nod before getting out of the car. Shane hesitated for only a heartbeat before he was following Quinn. He felt like Quinn needed someone at his back, and he was happy to be there for him. If Quinn didn’t want him there, he’d have to say the words.

As they walked through the lobby with shining marble floors and warm yellow walls, Shane looked over the numerous vases filled with fresh flowers and the scenic framed art. The entire place had an overwhelming sense of hushed peace and repose. He had a feeling that excitement was a runaway bingo ball or misplaced spectacles.

Quinn stepped up to the receptionist’s desk and gave his name, but before the middle-aged woman could reply, another woman stepped out of a side room and briskly walked over to Quinn.

“Elaine,” Quinn said on a sigh, his shoulders slumping a little.

“Hi, Quinn. Thanks for getting here so fast.” She turned her attention to Shane standing just behind Quinn’s shoulder, a polite but questioning smile on her lips.

“This is my friend, Shane. He came with me.”

Shane reached around Quinn with his right hand. “Shane Stephens.”

“Elaine. I’m one of the nurses on duty in Charlotte’s village.” Releasing Shane’s hand, she turned her attention back to Quinn. “Dr. Carmichael is just finishing up with his rounds and will be available to talk to you soon.”

“Will I be able to see her after I speak to the doctor?”

“Yes, I think we can arrange that. If you’ll both just sign in, I can take you to a private consultation room.”

Moving like it was a familiar practice, Quinn pulled his ID out of his pocket again and handed it over to the receptionist while signing the log. The receptionist smiled at Quinn before entering his information into the computer. It was good to see that they took security so seriously at the nursing home. Shane pulled his ID out as well, but Quinn covered his hand over it before he could pass it over.

“You don’t have to do this.”

“If there’s something you don’t want me to hear, I’ll leave. I don’t mind. But I’m not here out of obligation. I’m here because I want to be. For you.”

“ ’Kay. Thanks.” He released Shane’s hand and took a step back as he slid his own ID back into his wallet.

A couple of minutes later, they were seated in a small room with a love seat and two chairs. Shane sat in the chair, while Quinn sat on the love seat, just to give him a little space. But when Quinn started bouncing his leg and pulling at his fingers, he moved to the love seat. Grabbing one of his hands, he twined the fingers of his left hand with Quinn’s right.