Clutching Raul’s fingers, I lift my other hand to tug at Lorenzo’s pants. My appeal stumbles over my tongue. “You too.”
The rough noise that escapes him tells me he’s caught my meaning. As Raul rocks up into me, Lorenzo sheds his pants.
The moment he’s freed his stiffened cock, I tilt forward to lap my tongue over the tip. The salty flavor laces my mouth, turned delicious by Lorenzo’s urgent groan.
He steps closer, and I take him all the way into my mouth as I slide the last inch down onto Raul. The man beneath me gives a ragged laugh. “You’re a fucking marvel. Ride me as hard as you like, Princess.”
I rock up and down over him—at first only a little as I find my rhythm, then rising up and dropping down more emphatically once I’ve steadied myself. With each pulse of Raul’s cock inside me, I bob back and forth over Lorenzo’s, swirling my tongue around his length, sucking on the head to hear his fragmenting breaths.
Raul slides his hand farther back to give my ass a light slap that sparks a strange mix of prickling pain and sparkling pleasure. He traces the cleft between my cheeks. "Someday, I’d like to see you take two of us this way. Maybe even all three. But we’re not prepared for that yet.”
The thought of what he might mean makes my face heat—and my sex dampen with even more arousal. The throbbing need for release is swelling inside me again even though I just climaxed a few minutes ago.
I chase the high, bucking harder over Raul until his breaths grow shaky too, sucking down Lorenzo’s cock as deep as I can without choking.
Lorenzo clutches my hair, his hips jerking to meet my mouth. Even his illusionary voice has gone raw. “You feel amazing, Rell. I don’t think I can— I’m going to come.”
He moves as if to retreat, but I clamp my lips around him emphatically.
That’s all it takes. The salty spurt of his release fills my mouth.
His frenzied mix of praise and curses stokes the flames inside me. As he eases back, I lean over Raul.
The massive prince pushes himself up on one elbow to meet me. Clamping his hand around my hip, he propels us together again and again with even more force. Our mouths crash together in a frantic kiss.
With one more flick of his thumb, my second orgasm sweeps through me, bowling me over with its force. I’m sagging into Raul and soaring away all at once.
He hisses through his clenched teeth through a few more thrusts that propel me even farther into ecstasy. I’m vaguely aware of the flood of heat inside me.
Our colliding bodies slow into a gentle rocking and then a slumped embrace. The other princes sink down next to us, Lorenzo tipping forward to claim a kiss.
Bastien rests his hand against my back. His smile has gone uncharacteristically dreamy. “You really are something, Aurelia. Was that everything you were wanting?”
I can’t hold back a dazed giggle. “Very much so. I wish?—”
I catch myself, an uneasy tremor penetrating the afterglow that’s clouded my head. Some things will only be more painful if said aloud.
Perhaps the three princes understand me in that too. Raul tightens his embrace. Lorenzo’s mouth twists.
And Bastien’s eyes shimmer with unspoken emotion. “So do I.”
I close my own eyes against a much less welcome sort of burn. The rest of what he said echoes through my head.
I certainly intend to really be something. And that means I can’t forget why I came here.
Chapter Forty-Five
Looking up at Aurelia sprawled across Raul's body and dozing in the aftermath of our shared passion, I can't stop a pang of jealousy from rippling through my chest.
The passion was shared, so why should he have her nearly all to himself right now?
I know the thought isn’t entirely fair, but I don't see anything wrong with reminding her just how much I'm still here with her too.
With a nudge of my gift, I will a wisp of a breeze to coil around her slack ankle and onward up her leg. I'm expecting to have to gather a thicker current before she realizes it's more than an errant draft, but after just a few seconds, she adjusts her head against Raul's chest so she can gaze over at me.
The fondness in her dark blue eyes and the little smile that curves her lips, as if it's a secret just for us, wrap around my heart like a taut thread. As if she's stitched together with the core of my being as surely as the bound pages of a book.