Is it? No one in the court has shown any concern for my well-being before.
I have to be gracious. “Thank you. It’s a lovely day.”
A baron puffs out his chest. “And lovely to have you among us for it. We hoped you might share your thoughts on the palace cuisine.”
Another baronissa, possibly his wife, nods eagerly. “We were thinking it would be interesting if Their Imperial Eminences included more delicacies from Accasy in your honor.”
An inkling of what their sudden interest might be about tickles through my head.
There are only four prospective brides left. I’ve handled myself at least decently well in every challenge so far.
Some of the nobles are hedging their bets. Predicting that I’ll be the next empress and deciding it’ll be to their advantage to be among the first to act more welcoming.
They don’t really like me or care what I think. They don’t know me.
It’s just one more game I have to play along with.
My spirits sink lower, but I know I should make the best of the situation. It might win me points with the emperor and his heir if they notice that their court is starting to warm up to me, whatever the nobles’ reasons.
I adjust my course to meander toward the far end of the room where Marclinus is in the middle of a lively debate. Emperor Tarquin looks on, sipping from a goblet.
"It's kind of you to want to try more of what Accasy has to offer," I say to my new "friends." "I'd be happy to make a few suggestions to the kitchen staff if Their Imperial Eminences request it. But I've been very pleased with the offerings so far. The cooks are impressively skilled."
Another baronissa pipes up with a glint in her eyes that’s almost manic. “What’s your favorite dish so far? I adore the crusted cod.”
We had that for one of our courses at dinner a few nights ago. “It was quite good. I’m not sure I could pick a favorite when so much of it has been so delicious.”
The baron beside her clears his throat. “I thought the creekvine wine was quite a unique addition to our first meal with you. Is it a very popular drink in Accasy?”
So we go on, with every answer I give met with hollow smiles and a hasty attempt to show their enthusiasm, however superficial. No one mentions any topic more thought-provoking than the contents of our meals. When I make a brief comment about my admiration of the people who work in our vineyards, my hangers-on murmur vague agreement and immediately move on to discussing the best sort of soup.
Is this a taste of what my life as empress would be like?
I run my thumb over the side of my ring, letting the rippled texture ground me.
I know why I came here. I know how much good I can do.
Fausta’s right that I was born a princess through chance alone, and that’s the lot I have in life, good and bad. This opportunity is what all my education and preparation has been leading toward.
It doesn’t do anyone any good wishing for a different life.
But I do.
With a tremor of guilt, I squash down that selfish desire as far as I can. In my distraction, I almost miss the energetic swing of Marclinus’s hand and the way Emperor Tarquin’s arm twitches with a jolt of startled reflexes just as he’s lifted his cup to his lips.
It must send an extra surge of liquid into his mouth. He sputters and coughs into his hand.
I knit my brow. “I hope Emperor Tarquin is all right.”
The nobles around me pause. One of the baronissas speaks up tentatively. “I heard someone mention he’s seemed a bit off lately…”
A baron jumps in with an anxious tick of his jaw. “I’m sure it’s only a brief illness, obviously something mild. He’s always had a very hardy constitution.”
We make one more circuit of the room with another round of fawning and frivolous conversation. The ache in my shin starts to expand, telling me I’m going to need to get off that leg soon.
I smile at my companions with what I hope passes for gratitude. “Thank you for the delightful conversation. I’m going to retire to my room for a little while.”
I walk to my chambers as quickly as I can without looking like I’m fleeing. My heart lifts at the sight of the door up ahead—and sinks when I step inside to find Melisse waiting for me.