After passing a few more grand estates, we stop at another gate.
It takes our driver longer to make his case for entry into the imperial palace grounds. Finally, our horses draw us past elaborate hedges and a towering sculpture of Creaden, the godlen who presides over leadership and justice. He’s been carved with the imperial crest clasped in his hands: a majestic hawk soaring over a grand oak, with the motto CONQUER ALL framing them.
That statue is followed by several life-size busts of imposing men and women I assume are past emperors and empresses. Then the carriage turns with an arc in the drive, and the palace comes into view.
I find myself staring at the three-story building of silvery marble that could encompass my family’s castle ten times over.
My jaw goes slack before I can control my shock. In the first instant, I can only stare at the massive columns carved with leafy designs and the lofty windows reflecting the glare of the sun.
As the carriage rasps to a halt, several men in the purple-and-gray imperial livery stride down the stairs outside the yawning palace entrance. A few move to the back of the carriage to retrieve my two trunks. Another places a step beside the carriage while his colleague opens the door.
Girding myself, I paste a smile on my face, gather my silk skirts, and ease out into the tiled courtyard.
The stoutest of the staff, a jowly man who looks at least ten years older than his apparent underlings, is waiting for me. He dips his head in a motion of deference that’s not quite a bow. “Princess Aurelia. It’s a pleasure to welcome you to Dariu and His Imperial Majesty’s home. I hope your journey went smoothly.”
He speaks in Darium, of course, knowing I’ll understand. Every royal throughout the empire learns the language of our conquerors alongside our native tongue.
At his question, the image of the corpses hanging by the road flits through my mind. I hold my smile in place. “Quite, but I’m certainly glad to be at the end of it.”
“We’ll first be—” He cuts himself off to frown at Cici, who’s positioned herself beside me with her own bag by her feet. “Was there something you needed from your mistress before you return?”
Cici blinks. “Return? I’m Princess Aurelia’s maid, sir.” She dips into a brief curtsy.
“And I’m sure you’ve tended to her well during her travels,” the emperor’s man says evenly. “But His Imperial Majesty prefers to select all the staff who work within these walls. The princess will be assigned a very capable maid of our own.”
My stomach sinks. Cici darts a nervous look toward me.
If we argue rather than accepting the supposed generosity, will the emperor suspect some ulterior motive?
What are the chances he’ll bend his usual policy for a woman he barely knows, soon-to-be-wife of his son or not… rather than string Cici up at the side of the road as punishment for our defiance?
I speak cautiously. “We weren’t informed. My parents assumed?—”
The stout man cuts in with a brusque tone. “She and your driver can inform them of the arrangements when they return. You should find our hospitality warrants no complaints.”
The note of warning in his words sends a sliver of ice down my spine. I’d better not complain.
I don’t want to start off my time here on the wrong foot. Or see an innocent woman harmed simply because it wrenches at me to lose the comfort of her presence.
I touch Cici’s arm in reassurance. “It’s fine. Tell my parents that Emperor Tarquin is taking care of everything for me.”
Her expression stays worried. I dip my head in a slight nod, holding her gaze firmly. “Safe travels.”
I’ll be all right. I was born for this.
She gives my hand a quick squeeze, her eyes shimmering with sudden tears, and then one of the footmen is ushering her back into the carriage. I watch it pull away with a tearing sensation in my chest.
Now I’m utterly alone.
The man who greeted me clears his throat. “His Imperial Majesty is eager to welcome you personally and introduce you to his court.”
Including his son, my future husband. We had better get that over with.
My smile might be a little stiffer than it was before, but I follow my escort through the immense doorway obligingly.
I will not tremble. I will not falter.
I’m a joyful bride thrilled to have made such an incredible match.