Her tone leaves no doubt about who she believes that would be.
Gritting my teeth, I test my battered leg. The pain left behind after the medic’s attentions had mostly faded, but now it’s searing all through my calf again.
For all I know, she’s re-cracked the bone.
I limp slowly down to the second floor. By the time I reach the hall, it’s clear there’s no unbearable damage done. I can walk steadily as long as I don’t try to hurry—and gird myself against the continued ache.
Straightening my spine, I walk on to the parlor where most of the court is currently gathered.
The moment I step through the doorway, my gaze lands on Bastien’s slim form by the table laid with appetizers. The other three princes stand nearby, clustered together in conversation.
I yank my gaze away and head to the opposite side of the room.
I’ve made peace with them; I’ve earned their good will. That should be enough. That’s all I need to count on their support.
And the things I’ve started to want could threaten my chances more than Lady Fausta ever has.
Gods only know what they might do if they found out she hurt me again right here in the palace.
I’ve only made it a few steps before a careful hand catches my elbow. “Princess,” Rochelle murmurs at my side. “I need to, ah, consult with you about some new dresses.”
That hardly sounds like an urgent conversation, but I let her usher me over to a couple of chairs in the corner with a little distance from the closest nobles. As I sink down, taking the weight off my injured leg, my stance relaxes with relief. “What’s this about dresses?”
Rochelle’s mouth twitches with a brief grimace. “Sorry. That was just an excuse to come in and talk to you. I saw you in the hall—it looked like you were favoring your leg more than this morning. Are you well?”
I wasn’t able to put on quite as good an act as I hoped, at least not to someone who’s familiar with my habits.
I let out a restrained sigh and rub my shin. “I had an unpleasant encounter with Lady Fausta in the stairwell. It might have set my healing back by a day or two. I have a salve in my chambers that’ll help with any bruising. It’ll be easier to walk all the way there after I’ve rested my leg a bit.”
Rochelle sits up straighter, her voice darkening. “You’d think she’d be satisfied after everything she’s already done. What a terror of an empress she’d be. Do you want me to fetch the salve for you?”
I shake my head, a smile crossing my lips at her fervor. “Thank you, but I wouldn’t be able to put it on in here without being obvious about it anyway. The discomfort has already improved quite a bit; I’m sure I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”
Rochelle smiles back at me. “If you weren’t a princess, you’d make an awfully good medic, you know. Obviously there’s your gift, but you’ve also got such a calm, steady air about you… That’s one of the things that made me notice Tevio too. The way he can always put whoever he’s helping at ease.”
I ignore the twinge that passes through my heart. “I’m glad you have a good man to count on.”
“Hopefully.” Rochelle laughs, twisting her hands on her lap, but her expression turns dreamy despite her brief show of nerves. “My little brother sprained his ankle a few days before Father and I made the trip here. Tevio had him fixed up and clambering around again right away. When I saw him out, he gave me a dried rose he’d saved for me… I left it in my bedroom at home. I thought it was safer there.”
She’s lost her title and possibly her family—but she still looks happy when she talks about the man she adores. An echo of that feeling reverberates through me, stirring an unwanted melancholy.
That sort of love isn’t for me. It’s not what I’m meant for.
The things I’ll accomplish instead will be worth more than anything I’m missing.
And if reminding myself of that fact doesn’t soothe the ache in my chest quite as well as it has before, I won’t acknowledge it.
“I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything from him,” I assure Rochelle.
“I know.” She glances around. “I should probably go before anyone thinks it’s odd that we’re talking for so long. I’ll be ready if you need anything else.”
After she’s ducked out of the room, I wait for another couple of minutes before getting back to my feet. A renewed throbbing wakes up in my shin, but significantly dulled.
I figure I can stroll around the room a couple of times to show I’ve made an appearance and then slip away to my room without anyone wondering. As I’m passing the windows overlooking the gardens, a small group of nobles I think I recognize as all barons and baronissas approaches me.
I brace myself inwardly while keeping my expression mild. But even though I catch Bianca shooting a narrow glance our way from farther across the room, my five sudden companions all dip their heads to me and beam in a manner I can only describe as ingratiating.
“It’s good to see you well, Your Highness,” one of the baronissas simpers.