Page 106 of A Game of Veils

I think she might honestly believe that.

Marclinus’s smile sharpens. “But you don’t think I’m perfect. You think I was wrong to invite Princess Aurelia into this competition.”

My heart skips a beat. For a second, it seems Fausta might have backed herself into a corner—that this might be her end.

I’m not even sure how I feel about that. As much as she’s harassed me, would I cheer for her death?

But Fausta brushes off the imperial heir’s accusation without a hint of concern. “You weren’t wrong. You’re reminding us all that we must always aspire to be better, or the outer domains might try to usurp us. We can’t get con—complacent.”

She smothers a hiccup.

Mollified, Marclinus turns to his next target. “How have you been enjoying the tasks I’ve set out for you, Lady Iseppa?”

I think Iseppa might have already gone through a couple of glasses of wine during lunch. Her mouth is twisted as if she’s fighting queasiness, and her gaze wanders aimlessly. “They’re good,” she mumbles. “Showing what we can do. Good.”

“You don’t sound all that sure about it.”

Her lips part, and at first all that comes out is a thin wail. “Why are you bothering us? We’re trying. I’m trying. It’s hard.”

Despite my hazy state, my body stiffens. That isn’t the right answer.

The room goes utterly silent. Even Giralda’s drunken snickers subside.

Marclinus fixes Iseppa with a piercing look. “Have I been too hard on you, Lady Iseppa?”

She stumbles over her words. “Yes—no—I don’t know what you want me to say. Tell me… I can do this right… It’s just too much.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

He speaks without the slightest trace of compassion. I don’t even see the gesture—perhaps Emperor Tarquin was the one to give the summons from beyond our circle.

A guard grabs Iseppa off her chair and yanks her away from the table. She only manages a whimper before I hear the gristly sound of severed flesh.

My shoulders slump. That means this trial is over, doesn’t it? He’s eliminated one. What more could he possibly want right now?

I should know that with Marclinus, there can always be more. As the guard hauls Iseppa’s corpse away, the imperial heir nudges his chair back from us and beckons to someone beyond our circle.

Not someone—several someones. Perhaps a dozen of the young men from the court step forward. My gaze snags on Prince Raul among them, but he isn’t looking at me.

Marclinus’s benevolent tone returns. “I’m not the only one who finds you quite pleasing, my ladies. Allow the esteemed men of my court to show you their fondness as well.”

What in the realms is happening now?

Five of the men continue approaching. Raul goes to Leonette, right next to me, his gaze trained only on her. Another jolt of nausea ripples through me watching him stroke her smooth cheek as she stares back at him.

“I’ve always thought you were a beauty,” he says in the cajoling voice I know well.

One of the noblemen pushes toward me, and I jerk my attention to him. My hand has clenched—I don’t know if I want to punch Raul for talking that way to another woman in front of me or Leonette for receiving his flirtation.

I can’t. Neither. This is the rest of the trial.

The man who fondles his lovers in front of us wants to make sure we’re loyal only to him, I suppose. The fucking hypocrisy.

My would-be suitor taps my chin and offers a provocative smile. “I think you’ve been neglected during your time here, Princess Aurelia. None of the other ladies can hold a candle to you.”

His even features and bright eyes would be handsome enough if I were making an objective assessment. I can barely focus on him with Raul murmuring husky promises to the woman just a couple of feet away from me.

My chest constricts. This is dangerous. All of it is dangerous: everything I’m feeling, everything I’ve felt.