“Riley! I thought that was you.”
Both Gianna and Riley froze where they stood, as that particular voice was familiar for both of them.
Unpleasantly so. Very, very unpleasantly.
She could feel Riley’s posture straighten, tight against her, as they turned in unison, coming face-to-face with Ashton.
AKA Asshole Ashton.
AKA a man that Gianna had deemed her arch nemesis the day he broke Riley’s heart.
In fairness, she hadn’t been his biggest fan even when he’d been dating Riley – especially not when he’d proposed right after graduation. Like, Gianna’s personal feelings aside, Riley had a whole life ahead of her! What was wrong with this guy?!
Then, when he’d cheated on her, Gianna had felt so… torn. Because – again, personal feelings aside – it meant Riley would be able to focus on carving out the career in journalism that she’d been so doggedly intent on since they’d literally met rather than throwing her lot in with this asshole. But it had also left Riley devastated. And, again, what the fuck was wrong with this guy?!
He’d had Riley, and he’d thrown her away.
No matter what, that was enough to make Gianna know for certain this man was a fucking moron.
Somewhat annoyingly, he’d aged very well. He looked distinguished, starting to gray at his temples, still clearly fit under his well-cut Armani suit.
Gianna’s eyes narrowed as her grip on Riley’s waist tightened.
She took a visceral satisfaction, though, knowing that even if he looked good, she and Riley looked better. If she did say so herself.
And she did.
Riley looked like she’d attempted to smile, but it froze in place still as a grimace. “Ashton. Wow. I didn’t expect you to be here.”
He shrugged, a wide smile on his face. As if he had the right to smile at Riley!
Gianna didn’t give a shit that it had been over fifteen years since he’d cheated on Riley; she didn’t care if it had been fifty years – he shouldn’t even have the nerve to look in her direction.
“Yeah, I know. My company moved from L.A.-based to Manhattan-based last year, though, so I figured – hey, I’m local-ish. Might as well swing by and see how everyone is doing.”
The hand Gianna had wrapped around Riley’s waist tightened, and she could feel that she was glowering at him. Riley sent her a quick, concerned look before she cleared her throat. “Uh, sure.”
Seemingly undeterred by her short, unengaged response, Ashton slipped his hands casually into his pockets. As if settling in for a chat. “Yeah, so I just got here. Walked in and clocked you immediately.” The smile on his face was clearly designed to be charming.
It made Gianna want to scratch it off of his face.
“I mean, you look… wow. You look really, really great, Riley.”
“She really, really does,” Gianna interjected, biting at the inside of her cheek.
He turned to look at her, giving her his attention for the first time in the evening. That was typical of Ashton, though. In college, it had made Gianna foolishly think maybe he was good enough for Riley; she seemed to be the only person his gaze focused on. Pfft.
“Ah, Gianna. Good to see you, too,” he offered, far more politely.
Perhaps it was because the last time they’d communicated, Gianna had threatened to castrate him. And she’d meant every word.
“Wish I could say the same.”
He cleared his throat. “About that…” He reached up, running a hand over the back of his head, sliding his gaze back to Riley. “You know, it’s been so long, and I was a stupid kid back then. We both were, really, to get engaged back then, right? But, regardless, I’ve never forgotten the way I treated you. It’s – it’s one of the only things I look back on and really wish I’d never done.”
“We were stupid back then,” Riley agreed, her placid tone making Gianna double-take. But that grimace she’d had upon Ashton’s arrival was gone, replaced with a look of sheer… calm.
Relief filtered over his face. “Yeah. Yes. I’m – hey, you want to grab another drink and catch up, then?”