Page 11 of The Next Chapters

“It’s also nice because I have the crazy-person rights reserved for our first date, and now you have the crazy ramble rights for our engagement.” Gianna laughed softly, seeming to absolutely glow.

And Riley didn’t refute her, as she used their hands to tug Gianna down and capture her lips with her own.

Riley didn’t need to have shared a womb with Ellie to see the doubt in her eyes an hour later as they stood in one of the clothing stores in the shopping complex of the hotel.

Before answering her sister, she frowned thoughtfully in the mirror at her reflection.

While she was about to get married, unplanned, in a chapel in Vegas, there were some traditions Riley wanted to uphold. And wearing a white dress was one of them.

“Can you just – can you just run me through everything again?” Ellie asked, from where she sat on one of the chairs in the dressing room.

Riley paused from appraising this particular dress – sweetheart neckline, sheer lace long sleeves, stopping just above her knee… it was a big contender – and moved to sit in the chair next to her sister.

Allaying Ellie’s anxieties was something she could do, especially since this was something she very much wanted Ellie to celebrate and enjoy along with her.

“Gianna and I want to get married while we’re here. We decided we wanted to do it quick and easy and with only our favorite people.” She smiled, reaching out and placing her hand on her twin’s knee, rubbing lightly. “You, Mia, and Joel are the people we need for this, and we’re all here. It’s kind of… perfect.”

The line between Ellie’s eyebrows did not dissipate.

Riley nodded and kept going, “The clerk’s office here in Vegas is open until midnight, so we went down and filed for our same-day license. On the way back is when we asked all of you to meet us in the lobby.”

Ellie slowly nodded, signifying that she was following along despite not saying a word.

“We are planning on doing a bigger ceremony later in the year so that Mom and Gianna’s grandmother can come, as well as everyone else. And that’s where we’re going to start wearing wedding rings.”

Really, as soon as they decided they would get married, the rest of these details had become crystal clear to both of them. If Riley had needed any other sign that this was right, there it was.

“Then why did we just go to the jeweler?” Ellie asked, gesturing at the small, simple white bag that contained the engagement ring Riley had purchased for Gianna.

And just the thought of the ring made her stomach flutter in anticipation all over again.

“Because we’re going to exchange those rings tonight. Gianna is getting my ring and her dress now, and we’re going to meet in the chapel in…” She checked the time on her phone. “An hour.”

That part of the plan had also been easy to figure out. They wanted to surprise one another with the rings, and they both wanted to pick out the ring they felt suited to each other. They both wanted to surprise one another with their dress choices.

It had made sense for them to separate, then, after informing their companions of their plan for the evening.

Riley had taken Ellie with her, both wanting the company and knowing that Ellie would have many questions. Gianna was going to take Joel, who had been thrilled. Mia had also gone with Gianna and Joel, graciously inferring that she was going to run interference between Joel and Gianna so that Joel’s excitement didn’t impede Gianna’s ability to get everything done.

God. She was going to marry Gianna Mäkinen in an hour.

The rush that gave her was so heady that it stole her breath.

“And you didn’t have any trouble booking a time at the chapel?”

Riley sent her sister an exasperated look. “El. It’s Gianna. Getting a timeslot for tonight was maybe the easiest part of the entire plan for her.”

Which was no exaggeration. Gianna’s name, her charm, and her influence opened many doors. And she was not above using them in times like these.

And Riley would be lying if she said that watching Gianna talk their way into getting married at one of the busiest chapels in Vegas at the last minute hadn’t been… appealing.

Bearing witness to Gianna’s charismatic and quick-talking abilities had always been a sight to behold. Being incredibly attracted to Gianna had turned the heat up on that admiration.

Swallowing at the thought, she cleared her throat and pushed herself back into the moment.

Ellie’s frown had lessened slightly, but she was still twisting her engagement ring back and forth. “I mean… it’s just – it’s quick.” She seemed to make herself say the words, glancing at Riley after with a wince. “I don’t mean that you shouldn’t do it. I only mean that… you weren’t planning on doing this before we came? And now – and you and Gianna have only been together for a short time, so…”

She trailed off, nodding at her own words.