Page 63 of Protecting Jess

Yeah, that was something he needed to rectify. Finn would do the right thing, ask Slick for Jess’s hand in marriage and present Jess with the ring he’d snuck out and bought a couple of days ago. He’d pledge his life and love, and hope she didn’t turn him down.


Jess adjusted the top of the sling she wore so it wasn’t digging into her neck. That was all she needed—for the fabric to rub against her neck until it was red and raw.

The doctor was due in her room in a few minutes to sign her discharge papers and she’d be free.

Finn had been pacing around, grumbling that the doctor was taking too long, so she’d sent him to the cafeteria to get her some chocolate. He hadn’t wanted to leave her alone, but she’d asked him what could happen to her? She was in the hospital. They had security everywhere. She’d be fine for the fifteen minutes it would take him to get her snack and be back.

Her parents had wanted to pick her up but, as much as she loved them, she just wanted Finn to be the one with her when she left. Savor the time when it was just the two of them, something that had been scarce since her parents had arrived.

Excitement bubbled inside her at what was to come. Tomorrow, her family and Finn’s were all going to fly back to Texas and head to Finn’s parents’ ranch.

It was going to be loud and chaotic with so many of them under the one roof, but the Spellings’ house was big enough and Jess needed this time to fill her family well.

She and her mom had told her dad about Bartholomew. She’d made sure they were all together in the hospital room when it happened.

Jess had wanted Finn there, but he’d had to go to the base for some reason. He hadn’t told her why when she’d asked after he got back to her, but that hadn’t bothered her, because she knew there were some aspects of his job that he couldn’t tell her about at all. It was something that she had to get used to. Not to mention she’d been overcome with fatigue after the emotional experience of telling her dad everything

Like her mom had predicted, dad hadn’t been angry at her. He’d been furious with Bartholomew, and if he weren’t in jail on the other side of the country, Jess would’ve been worried her dad would’ve gone off and torn the man limb from limb.

Her dad had been disappointed she’d felt like she couldn’t come to them.

Her phone buzzed and she picked it up, noting that a new email had come from the dance company. Finally, they were getting back to her. Jess had spent the time since she’d emailed them about everything that’d happened, constantly checking her phone for a response. Now that it was here, she didn’t want to open it.

Should she wait for Finn?

No, she wasn’t some weak woman who needed a man to hold her hand. Look at what she’d survived.

But it doesn’t hurt to have his support. It’s not a weakness to want that.

Jess warred with herself for a few more seconds, then took a deep breath and opened the email


We were deeply saddened to hear about your accident, and hope you are doing better.

Your recovery is important to us, so please take all the time necessary to recover from it. We value you as a member of The Baxter Dance Company.

With the length of time it may take you to get back into peak condition, we have decided to rescind your contract for the upcoming season and your promotion to lead female dancer.

However, we urge you to keep us informed, and as soon as you are able to return to any type of physical dance activity, we’d love for you to return to our New York studio. We will evaluate your performance abilities and make a decision with regards to your participation in the season.

Our hope is that next year, you will be able to rejoin the company in a full-time capacity and as our main female dancer.

Kind Regards,

Madame Baxter


Jess stared at her phone, a mixture of feelings coursing through her. Disappointment that she’d lost her contract and, therefore, a year’s worth of income. Also, happiness that they still wanted her to be their principal dancer, once she’d completely recovered.

While they might be looking at next year for her to return, she was going to work hard so she could be part of the second part of the season. Their belief in her came as a shock, considering how ruthless the decision-makers could be.

Jess couldn’t wait to tell Finn. He’d be so happy for her. At least, she hoped he would.

The door opened and she looked up, hoping to see Finn’s handsome face, but it wasn’t him. It was an orderly with a wheelchair.