I bite my lip and smile.
A woman clears her throat and I jerk my head up, dropping my phone on the shelf behind the bar.
“Sorry. What can I get you?”
When I’ve pulled two pints of beer and taken her payment, I glance around, finding no customers in sight. I reach for my phone again.
Tell me more… about these kinks of yours
Nice, Ada. The one-eighty I’ve done here—going from wanting to end things this morning to asking him about his kinks mere hours later—is truly impressive.
Where the hell is my willpower?
Oh funny you’d ask, because my biggest kink is actually…
…at work right now
I see what you did there
I’m a very clever boy
The bad idea is already materializing in my mind.
Clever boys deserve rewards…
What am I doing?
I start looking for a chance to duck away, unable to shake off the simmering thrill. It must be the rosy haze of infatuation fucking with my mind. We’ve been having too much sex. Good sex. Incredible sex. The kind of sex that makes you do some soul-searching the next day. Or maybe my brain is melting. That must be it. Jesse is somehow, slowly but surely, lobotomizing me with his cock. There’s no other explanation.
I can practically hear my subconscious laughing at me, but I shove it down.
What kind of rewards?
The part of me screaming this is exactly what I should not be doing has apparently been gagged, bound, and thrown into the fucking river because, when the moment presents itself, I grab my phone and speed walk to the back. My heart pounds as I lock myself into the single-stall staff restroom, but I decide not to overthink it. I set the camera’s timer, propping my phone against the sink, and turn to face the wall with my eyes squeezed shut. Lifting my skirt, I hold the pose until the shutter sound clicks, then tug it back down as I spin around to inspect the photo. Perfect. After a quick crop-and-enhance treatment, I text it to Jesse.
[image sent]
Consider this my peace offering
When he doesn’t respond for a minute, I start to panic. Shit. He said he was at Marcus’ place. What if he opens it in front of my brother?
What the fuck is wrong with me?
This is reckless.