I catch the eye of a pretty bartender with turquoise hair and order two glasses of white wine.
“The guests of honor seem pretty adorable,” she says, setting out the glasses. “Friends of yours?”
“Yeah, the blond one is my girlfriend’s ex-roommate.”
“Ex-roommate?” She raises her eyebrows as she pours. “Sounds like there’s a story there.”
“No,” I say, holding up my hands with a chuckle. “No drama, honest. I just stole her away.”
She slides the first glass my way. “Good.” She pauses. “But, if the party gets dull later, I’ve got a killer roommate drama story for you.”
“Noted,” I say with a smile, then pick up the glasses, nodding my thanks before turning to go.
Wine in hand, I wind my way back toward Olena. She’s standing with Nat, Graham, Wyatt, and Sam. The guests of honor grin, looking incredibly happy, as they hug an assembled throng of guests one by one.
A shouting chorus from behind me kicks off. I stop, turning to look at the source.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss…” A group of about eight young men dressed up in stylish party attire claps along with the chanted demand for the two fiancés.
I turn back to look at Sam and Wyatt. The crowd erupts in cheers as they share a long, dramatic kiss, holding their champagne glasses aloft. I smile and my eyes meet Olena’s as I finally reach her. I place her wineglass in her hand, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek.
“Jude,” Graham says, shaking my hand, “good to see you, man.”
Nat smiles at me from beside him. She and Graham are both dressed to the nines for the party, looking sharp.
“Looks like you’ve got a fan club, Jude,” Nat says, grinning and eyeing the group that was just chanting behind me.
I turn and catch them staring before about half of them turn away, pretending to be looking elsewhere. The other half don’t bother hiding it. One of them waves at me and I awkwardly wave back, smiling politely.
Wyatt appears at my shoulder. “Don’t mind them, they’re shameless,” he says in my ear, then winks at me, and takes a sip of his champagne. I exhale and rub my chin, not sure how to respond.
Olena smirks at me, clearly enjoying the attention I’m getting.
“Hey congratulations again, Wyatt. This party is… incredible.” I cast my eyes around the room, hoping to change the subject.
“Thanks, Jude, I—”
Sam jogs over to us, cutting him off. “Excuse me, I need my fiancé!” he intones with a flourish, pulling Wyatt toward the dance floor.
Olena places her glass down on a nearby table and slips her arms around my waist, kissing my cheek. Hearing someone whoop from behind me, she raises an eyebrow, and pulls me into a deep, long kiss to a resounding mixture of cheers and booing, everyone laughing by the time our lips part. I throw a glance over my shoulder.
“I think they’re a little disappointed I get you all to myself,” she says in my ear, still laughing. She turns around in my arms to face her friends, and I pull her close, pressing a kiss to her neck. I have to remind myself to stop there.
A moment later, she pulls away.
“Mom! Dad!” She runs over to hug them both, bringing them back to our group.
“Jude, nice to see you again.” David shakes my hand.
“Likewise,” I say, giving him a genuine smile.
Lynn hugs Nat, then pulls back to admire her shimmering dress.
David glances at Olena, who is huddled with her mom and Nat, then motions to me, pulling me aside.
“Listen, I wanted to say… I was so glad you and Olena worked things out between you.” His tone is serious.
I raise my eyebrows and exhale. “Uh, you and me both, David.” I smile at him. “She’s…” I look over at her. “She’s incredibly important to me.” I return my attention to her father.