“Jude!” Carol’s voice comes from over my shoulder.
I turn around and see her walking quickly along the cobblestone path toward me. “Hey, Carol. Nice to see you again,” I say with a smile.
“I came out to admire your progress.” She places her hands on her hips and scans the property. “My goodness! It’s looking fantastic out here!” She beams at me.
It’s true; we’ve made a huge impact on this property in a short time.
“Thanks. I think it’s all coming together.” I smile at her. “The lighting should be going in tomorrow too,” I explain, scanning the property. My eyes catch on Olena across the yard, talking to a man with a clipboard as he gestures at the ground. An irrigation truck sits in the driveway.
“Oh, wonderful!” Carol clasps her hands together.
My gaze lingers on Olena, watching her easy manner, the way she tucks her hair behind her ear. I am vaguely aware of Carol strolling around the area where we’ve been working, looking at all the plants.
Her voice gushes from nearby. “Oh, I love this seating area, especially with the flowers framing each side. It’s going to be stunning. Well done!”
When I don’t respond, she evidently catches the source of my distraction. She appears at my side, pulling my attention back. She gives me a knowing smile, squeezing my arm. “I remember when Charles used to look at me like that,” she says quietly, a warm, wistful tone in her voice.
Caught off guard, I chuckle good-naturedly, trying to cover up my embarrassment at being caught staring at Olena while at work. “Like what? I was just… uh…” I trail off, unable to come up with a good excuse.
“Admiring the view?” Carol pats my shoulder. “It’s okay, darling. We were all young once.”
I stare at Carol, speechless.
She winks at me.
I don’t know how to respond. “I—”
“Just treat her well.” She raises her eyebrows, challenging me with a protective look in her eye.
“Of course,” is all I can say.
* * *
Another delivery from the nursery arrives on Friday, most of the plants destined for the sunken garden. Unloading and carrying them there, my team’s energy is buzzing.
“Big plans this weekend, Teddy?” Steph asks, placing a heavy pot down beside a line of others and wiping her hands on her cargo pants.
“I have little kids. Surviving the weekend is the only big plan.” Teddy laughs, descending the stairs heavily as he carries a sprawling blueberry bush and tries not to get poked in the face by the branches. He bends, grimacing as he puts the pot down with the rest.
Mitch and Dimitri navigate the steps carefully, balancing a larger rose bush between them. “I remember those days,” Mitch notes gruffly. “You’re in the trenches, Ted.”
Teddy raises his eyebrows and nods; he looks tired.
“What about you, Jude?” Steph asks.
“Oh, I think we know.” Teddy pumps his eyebrows, smiling, and the others snicker.
“What does that mean?” I ask defensively.
“Oh, come on, Jude.” Steph throws me a knowing look.
“What?” I press.
She rolls her eyes. “You and Olena were tense as fuck around each other on Monday and, ever since then, you’ve been ogling each other like damn teenagers.” Steph raises her eyebrows at me, smirking.
I scoff, folding my arms over my chest with a frown.
“Yeah, it’s been hard to miss,” Dimitri adds with a chuckle.