Page 4 of Hey Jude

“Nutshell version? Art gallery snobs, pretentious food, red wine ghoul mouth, smashed into a stranger and broke a glass.” Wyatt’s eyebrows lift as he chews. “Then I almost had a panic attack and fled the scene in tears. Also, Bradley turned out to be a dick.”

“Oh, shit,” Wyatt mumbles around another mouthful. He squeezes my shoulder. “You gonna be okay?”

“Fucking peachy.” I slouch back in my chair and fold my arms across my chest.

He shoots me a skeptical look.

“No, really, I’ll be fine.” I say, more reassuringly this time.

“Okay, good, because I gotta run. You want the rest of this?” He slides the plate toward me as he stands, moving to the door to put on his coat.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” The words rush out of me as I greedily dig into the rest of Wyatt’s breakfast. “I’m so hungry, I’m dying,” I groan with my mouth full. I’m terrible about feeding myself properly.

Wyatt smirks. “That’s like… your whole thing.”

“Oh, my God, this is so good.” My eyes roll back in my head. Wyatt is an incredible cook.

“I call it real food,” he says with raised eyebrows. “It’s the latest craze!”

“Yeah, well, cooking has too many steps.” I push the eggs around on the plate.

“Hey, you know, Sam’s cousin is the exact same as you with food—gets overwhelmed by all the steps and then forgets to eat. And she just got diagnosed with ADHD.” He pauses, crouching down to tie his shoelaces. “Did you ever end up taking that self-test you mentioned?”

“It’s on my never-ending to-do list,” I say, feeling guilty for putting it off. I sigh heavily and scrunch up my face. “Might as well add it to my growing collection of mental health issues.” I gesture at myself from head to toe.

“Hey, I didn’t mean it like that.” He zips up his jacket and walks over to me, giving my shoulder a squeeze. “I just want things to be easier for you.”

“I know.” I put my hand over his.

His voice is quiet as he adds, “Also, procrastination is kind of an ADHD thing… just saying.”

“Wyatt!” Now’s not the time.

“Okay, okay!” He throws up his hands, backing off, then suddenly pauses like he just remembered something. “Before I forget, my Uncle Charles is gonna call you today.”

“What? Why?”

“He has this big old house up on the cliff-side and apparently the gardens are kind of a mess. He got excited when I mentioned what you do, so I gave him your number.”

“He’s going to call me today?” I look down at myself, almost worried my rumpled attire will show through over the phone. I frown. “I don’t know, Wyatt—” I start, but he waves a dismissive hand at me.

“Too late; wheels in motion. He’s calling you and you’re taking the job,” Wyatt declares with finality, his eyebrows raised.

I press my lips together. I know I need to. I’ve been trying to get my landscape design business going again; after shutting down suddenly when I fled Seattle, I’ve got no contacts and, most importantly, no money coming in. The last client I worked with before I moved home still hasn’t paid me and my car’s in the shop, held hostage by the hefty balance I owe for its repairs.

“Okay,” I say with a brave face.

“That’s my girl.” Wyatt kisses my forehead quickly and opens the door to leave, then stops, turning back to me. “Oh, and hey, if you like real food, there’s more where that came from on Friday. Don’t forget. I’m gonna make a feast for us.” He shrugs his jacket over his shoulders, grabbing his keys off the hook near the door.

Sam’s birthday dinner, I recall with a smile. “Can’t wait. Sam’s lucky to have you, daahling.” I flutter my eyelashes.

“I’m gonna get so many great boyfriend points,” he says and sticks out his tongue coyly with a wink.

I grin at him as he leaves and shuts the door.

I finish the eggs and get up, dumping my plate in the sink with a clatter that makes me wince. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and read the text from Natalie.

Want me to pick you up? Dying to hear about your hot date last night. xo