“Being chivalrous is not being a human storm cloud.” He took the bag easily and offered her his free arm.

No point in arguing about the damn bag further. Truth be told, her back was bothering her a little, but she’d sew her lips shut before she admitted as much to Aaron. He’d probably load her into a cab and rush her to the hospital or something in response. “And here I thought chivalry was dead.”

“A nasty rumor. Nothing more.”

She fell into step beside him. “You know, you’re funnier than I thought when we first met. At the wedding, it was all intensity and come-fuck-me eyes, and here you are, cracking sly jokes at the drop of a hat.”

“I don’t know how you remember the wedding, but you didn’t leave much room for jokes.” He slid his arm around her waist the same way he had on the walk to the taco truck. It pressed the entire sides of their bodies together and sparked desire through her in response. Aaron, damn him, knew it.

“I was in a bad way, and you had exactly what I needed.” She hadn’t meant to say it aloud, to offer up even that much information, but her earlier conversation with Lucy still had her off her game. The words saturated the air between them and there was no taking them back.

Aaron kept quiet for half a block. Finally, almost reluctantly, he said, “I imagine weddings aren’t your favorite thing, let alone your sister’s wedding.”

“I’m happy for her.” The response was so automatic, it almost felt real. He shot her a look and she cursed. “Okay, fine, I was sick to my stomach from the time she told me Gideon proposed until they got in that limo and drove away. Rationally, I know that not every marriage goes down in flames, but it’s hard when my heart and brain get to battling. She was engaged to a douchebag before Gideon, and he did a number on her. I know Gideon would rather set himself on fire than do anything to hurt her, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. What if something happens to him? She’ll never recover.”

“There are no guarantees in life.”

Becka rolled her eyes, even though her amusement had died a terrible death at the mention of her sister’s wedding. But then, she’d been in a funk all day. “Thanks for that fortune cookie–pat answer. I know that. Of course I know that. But there are enough painful moments in life without inviting the bastard to kick you in the teeth at the first available opportunity. Even you have to admit that.”

He pulled her closer without missing a step. “Life is hard. It’s full of all the bad stuff, sure. But it’s full of good stuff, too. The difference is that sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and grab onto the good stuff with both hands. Avoiding anything that might cause you pain down the road...” He hesitated. “That’s no way to live, minx.”

She wanted to believe him. She wanted to so badly, she could taste the need like on the back of her tongue. It would be the simplest thing in the world to let go, to step into Aaron and let go of all her fears.

To grab onto a possible future with them together with both hands and hold it close until it became reality.

The strength of the desire startled her. Terrified her. She opened her mouth to shut down this line of conversation, but couldn’t make herself do it. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Aaron had to fight to put aside their conversation as they walked into the bar. It looked like millions of other bars across the city, from the faded wood tables to the blinking neon lights of various beer signs to the half a dozen televisions positioned strategically around the room. But the floors weren’t sticky and the place smelled pleasantly of something he couldn’t quite place.

Becka led the way to a table near the bar where trivia was being set up. She took a paper to fill out and sat down before he could pull out her chair. Aaron repressed a sigh and took the seat diagonal from her. He picked up the menu and flipped through it. Instead of the normal bar food he expected, it was all Asian fusion. “Huh.”

“The sushi is great, and so is anything stir-fry.” She spoke without looking up. “There are also wings on the last page.”

Strange place. He eyed the paper she was filling out. “What’s our team name?”

“Cunning Linguists.”

He barked out a laugh. “Clever.”

“I aim to please.” She smiled at the waiter that walked up. “Can I get cranberry juice and a starter of the egg rolls?”

“Sure thing.” He looked expectantly at Aaron. “And for you?”

What he really wanted was a beer, but he’d been serious about not drinking in front of her for the time being, so he ordered an iced tea. “And add the wontons to the starters.” He’d seen Becka eat, and he had no illusions about getting any of those egg rolls for himself.

Becka waited for the man to leave the table before sitting back to pin Aaron with a look. “I’m surprised you didn’t decide to educate me on how unhealthy egg rolls are, being fried and all.”

He didn’t bother to hide his grin. “I figure you might dump that glass of water over my head if I did.”

“Smart man.”

“I have my moments.” He snagged the paper to look over the categories. “Plus, you’re a personal trainer. You eat better than I do most of the time. If you want egg rolls for a starter, you can have egg rolls.”

“Wow. Thanks for permission.”

Aaron growled. “Don’t make this into a fight, minx.”

“I’m not. You—” She snapped her mouth closed and looked a little sheepish. “I might be making it into a fight. Sorry. I’m a little on edge.”