As if she knew she already had the win in the bag.

He flipped over the final card and bit back a curse. His two pair was good, but he didn’t think it would be good enough. Sure as shit, Becka gave him the most wicked grin and set her cards down faceup. “Full house.”

“Fuck,” he breathed.

“I plan on it.” She pointed at his hips. “Off.” And then the little minx licked her lips like she could already taste his cock. She rose to her feet, her gaze never straying from him as Aaron slid his last item of clothing off. He sat back on the sofa and let her look her fill, forcing himself to hold perfectly still as she rounded the coffee table and knelt between his thighs. Becka gripped his cock and gave him a teasing stroke. “It’s not right that a gorgeous man like you is just as gorgeous here, too.” Her tongue darted out and flicked the underside of his cock. “Then again, I’m not about to complain.” She shot him a look. “Keep your eyes open. I want you to watch me.”

No way in hell would he risk missing a moment of this. Aaron gripped the couch cushions as she slid his cock between her pretty red-painted lips and sucked him deep. She released him slowly as if savoring his taste and then smiled. “You’re right. This is what winning feels like.” Before he could digest that statement, she took him deep into her mouth and throat until her lips met his base. He kept perfectly still, letting her hold the reins, and she rewarded him for his restraint with the best fucking blow job of his life. She teased him, sucking hard and then backing off until it was everything he could do not to curse.

Finally, Becka raised her head. “Aaron?”


“I have a tiny, itty-bitty request.”

Considering the way she put it, he didn’t know whether to be worried or so turned on he couldn’t think straight. “Yeah?”

She ran a single finger the length of his cock. “I love teasing you, but what I really want right now is for you to stop holding back and fuck my mouth the way you’re obviously dying to.” Her smile had his heart skipping a beat. “I can take it. Promise.”

He shouldn’t say yes. Their first time might have been rough and deliriously good as a result, but things were different now.

Weren’t they?

The answer was written across her face. Becka sat back on her heels and reached around to unsnap her bra. She slid it off and tossed it aside. “I won. Remember?” She wrapped her hand around his cock again. “This is mine until you come in my mouth. Unless you’re going back on the bet.”

“Not on your life.” He pushed to his feet and shifted until he could stand in front of her. Seeing her on her knees, staring up at him with that expression in her eyes... He laced his fingers through her hair on either side of her face, pulling it back so he had a clear view and holding her tightly so he had control.

Her eyes slid half-shut. “That’s it. That’s exactly it.” She licked the head of his cock, her gaze on his as she sucked him back into her mouth. It had been hot before. Now it was scorching. Heaven was the sight of Becka’s red lips around his cock, a challenge in her blue eyes, daring him to do exactly what she’d commanded. To fuck her mouth.

He thrust lightly, testing her. But there was no panic on her face, just an eagerness as she took him deeper without effort. As if she loved this as much as he did.

Keeping a tight leash on himself, Aaron started to move. He held her head in place as he picked up his pace until she could only relax and take it. The moment she gave herself over to him completely, his knees threatened to buckle. Becka’s surrender was temporary, and he wouldn’t have it any other way, but it was a gift all the same. It was more a gift because of its fleeting nature.

Her eyes flicked open as if she heard his thoughts, and when they met his, it was too much. He orgasmed with her name on his tongue and, God help him, she drank down every drop of him.

Aaron carefully stepped back and urged her to her feet. “Come to bed with me.”

Becka blinked. “What?”

He was rushing, and he didn’t give a fuck. They weren’t going to leave tonight half-finished, and he wanted her in his bed. Beneath him, over him and later...sleeping next to him.

He wanted it all.

He couldn’t tell her as much right now. Even with desire smoothing the stress and worry from her expression, she would panic if he pushed too hard. Damn it, think. Aaron kissed her hard, stroking her tongue with his until she swayed against him. “You won, minx. You got your reward. Now come to bed and let me take my consolation prize.”

She smiled against his lips. “Sounds like sketchy reasoning.”

“Skillful negotiation.” Before she could think of an argument around that, he scooped her into his arms and started for the bedroom.

Becka relaxed against him with a soft laugh. “Okay, I’ll bite—what does your consolation prize entail?”

“Because you asked so nicely, I’m inclined to share.” He nudged his bedroom door open and kicked it shut behind him. “I’m going to lay you down on my bed and spend some time enjoying your body. First with my hands. Then with my mouth. And finally with my cock.”

This time her laugh bounced through the entire room. “Greedy.”

“Mmm, well, I’m feeling generous, so if there’s something you’d like to add in along the way, I think we can make it happen.”

She looped her arms around his neck and grinned up at him. “Did I say greedy? I meant so, so generous.” Her lightly mocking words didn’t detract from the happiness lurking in her eyes.